Twitter (Part 1)

These pods are a fantastic idea. they give the homeless people some responsibility and a space that they can call their own and look after it, if they start to lag then I’m sure there are people in the shelter to shake them up. It’s a super alternative to just giving some a room in a shelter. A number over the door which gives it an address is so simple yet is so crucial to whole idea


This is a fantastic video, Lou Macari is an Alright Type of the Year candidate.

Am I right in thinking that there were similar plans for something like this in Ireland afew years ago (maybe about 5 years ago) but Sinn Fein torpedoed it because they thought it was ghetto-isation?

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Lou is a sound skin.

Not normally one for footballers autobiographies but I read his. His son passed away at a young age through suicide, real heartbreaking stuff but you could tell he was a warm, decent person even outside of that. Must dig that book out, it’s at home buried in the attic.

Great to see him doing something positive like this pod.

Sound gesture alright… he always came across as a grumpy sort doing the commentary for premier league matches …was he done for backing against a team he was managing ?

Had a quick google there, bet on Swindon to lose an FA Cup tie when he was the Swindon manager. £1,000 fine he got :smile:

He’d be a real old school football man. Tough on discipline. Can imagine the modern day antics from players and managers would drive him mad.

Played 400 games for United and won 3 titles with Celtic as a player too.

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Lou is a decent sort . A hoor for the punting by all accounts

He always had good connections with Limerick and brought Celtic and West Ham United to Priory Park for friendlies .

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I’d be pretty sure that putting people in a plastic pod in a warehouse would contravene planning, building and fire regulations in Ireland.


Paddy always looking for the problem.


Would you blame him? Having to look at that shite and having to talk about it.

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It prob would :slightly_frowning_face:

I’ve seen and worked in buildings with bedsits that not only defy all of the above but also break every housing code known to man, but without them the homeless rate would multiply :man_shrugging:t2:

Yeah they’re better off lying under a bush in the Phoenix part. It’s healthier.


Another dig at Rachel Wyse from Woolberto.

Not much gets past you.

I attended both.

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He is dying to stay relevant.

Is Grainne a bit slack jawed?

Whether I agree or not with much Woolie says, I very much like his approach to laying waste to people. I can only imagine she’s bulling.

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Don’t waste your time replying to that chap, he’s the house gimp bouncing around the place looking for any type of response.

Woolie suffering from a dose of misogyny it seems

Grainnes a good GAA woman I’d expect her jaw to be slacked at the least.