Twitter (Part 1)

They’ll be saying he deserves another chance in approximately 3 days.

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This could rival the Bernie Sanders thing for twitter hilarity

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Tweeted something and blocked half the country…

Didn’t see it and probably deleted by now

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His virtue signalling has backfired on him there.

There were reports in the paper over the last week or two that Harris was scheming away in the background with a view to being a future leader of FG, he was constantly ringing and emailing colleagues to shore up support etc.

Imagine him as Taoiseach and the shite he’d be peddling day in and day out. Would make me sick to see Declan Hannon receiving Liam McCarthy - again - and his weasel gurning head in the background.


What the fuck is he even he even on about…

They are scared to death of the shinners

He is a career politician. He has to want to be Taoiseach.

TFK needs to set up a party pronto and get involved.

It’s manifesto would include policies from the far left to Nazi with a few in the middle.


Great to see the mask slip with Harris.


A broad church.

If you don’t like our policies then you can escalate them via a feud with one of your party colleagues.

What’s the issue with that tweet btw?

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Cynically using victims to score political points off opponents while trying to propagate a cuddly image of being nice to others.


Bit much to be going on about women’s rights the cervical check women still going through the courts to get paid a few quid

Fine Gael have literally lost the plot.

“An SF agent”?


I think Leo might be a SF agent. He’s added about 10% to their vote with his lame attacks.

Harris (Own goal)

Harris seems to have gone radio rental blocking people on Twitter.

They have to go

He didn’t even finish his 3 year arts degree in Politics did he? He was very fortunate to get such a cushy number in government.

Lucks got nothing to do with it