Blue sky has replaced x and twiter

It’s a nawful place

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It’s awful.

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Claughan GAA Twitter is fantastic.

I’m glad that last discussion is over

They were going after you hard bro. I was shocked to see it myself. Little did they know how the news cycle works around here

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Even apologising on woke Irish Twitter is a minefield. You might just end up offending someone else. Except white settled people. They deserve it.

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She simply has to go.


8 years is too long to apologise.

A true mindfulness seminar on how to throw digs via an apology from Linda there.

What is BIPOC? Bisexual persons if colour?

Twitter is great:


Are travellers white?

He looks fat as fuck.


She doesn’t sound very sincere in her apologies.

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I’d expect it will be “Scooby Dooby Doo where are you” very shortly.

Who is this Linda Scooby Doo Hayden person? I haven’t a scooby.

Who are the most influential figures among the woke Irish Twitter community?

  • Linda ‘scooby do’ Hayden?
  • Anthony O’Connor?
  • Roman Shorthall?
  • Leo’s mate Maitiu O’Tuathail?
  • Sarah Jane Murphy?

Linda has just broken the heart of the queen of the universe. It’s an incredible place.

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