Twitter (Part 1)

[excuse me, I need to rant…]

This stupid fucking cunt. This tweet is the perfect example of how the whole country is fucked. Nearly everyone in Ireland is white and the Irish are by no means noted for their self-confidence as a people. What an absolutely and utterly idiotic comment. This dozy bitch has spent her whole life online and now comes out with an entirely unoriginal comment that she has just cut and pasted out of the American race & culture wars and is stupid enough to think that it translates directly into Irish culture. It was a comment that was popular amongst American feminists back in 2016, fairly lazy back then in the context of the USA, this absolute geebag is so fucking desperate to fit in.

America is a failed nation, American political culture is a failed political culture, why are these cunts, supposedly liberals, so desperate to import a culture that ended in fascism (Trump)?

Labour are fucking finished. They’re now a party exclusively for comfy Dubs who honestly think the most pressing issue facing Ireland is Colin Kaepernick or American gun control some nonsense (go Kaepernick). The Irish working class are completely fucked. Thank God for Sinn Fein who still have some modicrum of a connection to real life.

Also she’s a cunt for making me agree with Johnny Arse…


Labour have 7 TDs. 2 of them are from Dublin constituencies*. The rest of them are from… well… not Dublin. But carry on.

  • If you include Fingal.

Welcome back to twitter @Bandage. That was a beautiful tweet.


Thank you @Fagan_ODowd.

The list of people who liked it is a real who’s who of the internet


Congrats @Bandage

It was. Its quite a protestant name isnt it?

You hardly think he picked it himself

The US isn’t a failed state, desperately divided, but that is due to it having such a free media and the likes of Twitter magnifying things.

Fully agree with you on the efforts of every right on character going in Ireland in transferring US verbiage over on politics. See the recent Tweets on Jordan Peterson and people going on about a white male audience. Have these people ever actually stepped out of Ireland to see a non homogenous country? Ireland has a long way to go till that happens. It’s not a knock on Ireland, it’s just the historic reality.


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“Tell me more about the plastic straw in my gin and tonic.” - sure thing, you’re a faggot.

I see Steven Poacher just stitched that Laois hick up like a kipper.

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Poacher was firmly put back in his box once the mention of leeching cash from the GAA was brought up.

Twas hilarious to watch, he blocked a few of us instantly :smile:

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Still made shit of your hero though.

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Parkinsons is having a meltdown on Twitter.

I just checked back, it looks like some tweets have been deleted ?

That Corrigan chap had him bate up a stick.

Corrigan had him apologising almost :smile:

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Am I the only person that has never heard of any of these no marks?