TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Not enough woke credits in that it seems.

There’s some very dangerous bastards among us.

That was the moment TFK became an extension of twitter. No longer our little enclave of lunacy.


Old TFK died that day.

I think they said that lads had to stand over what they said on the Internet and if a lad lost his job over it that was his own fault

There were then lots of :rollseyes: when asked to defend that silly stance

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Out of the ashes Running and Running Accessories TFK 2.0 emerged

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There will be academic papers written on the travails of a bunch of middle men running around wearing fanny packs with their mickeys peering out from their sports shorts roaring out abuse to the pseudnyums of internet rivals.


#jimconlanmedia knocking it out of the park on social media this morning.

Unreal interview with steph curry amongst others

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He’s doing movie star interviews as well. RCB in Clare is a media behemoth.

The current period won’t last, the only questions are if any of the genuine progress will be retained, what will replace it and if the backlash will be too damaging.

Some huge interviews from Jim this year, steph curry, pep, arteta, my ould fella, Chris Paul, Ancelotti.


Fucking weirdos

Little rat bastard :rage:

cc @Copper_pipe

You absolute fucking weirdo, you sad little fucking cunt, what the fuck are you fucking tagging him for? What the fuck does he have to do with anything.

Just go suck his fucking dick already you fuckin loser, you’re going around this site with your naked ass stuck up in the air looking for @Copper_pipe to bum you, fucking embarrassing everyone

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that boy’s fucking embarrassed of you you clingy cunt

lads need to get a gript.

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cc @Copper_pipe

A pity it’s too late for poor Labane. Still on the run from the FBI by all accounts.

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Every small Irish town has a clingy old loser sulking around it, you’re TFK’s answer. I’d guarantee you act the same in Tipp.

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Funny man alright.