TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct


Topper was the way the tans referred to them on the tan tv shows we watched on the pirated channels.
Us Gaels always called them pencil parers

  • What is it?
  • Topper
  • Parer
  • Sharpener
  • Other (in comments)

0 voters


You canā€™t swing both ways.
Its one or the other

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Jesus the parer weirdos have come with a late surge. I forgot to click the show votes button too.

Clergy will swing this call yet

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Jesus Toppers in the lead. I had no idea there were so many prods on the board.


Some amount of tans on hereā€¦

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Topper doesnā€™t make any sense

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What manner of weirdo calls it a parer?

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Personally, as one who uses pencils quite a lot, this particular weirdo would call it a parer, Iā€™m afraid.

You sure youā€™re from Limerick?

Parer in Limerick anyway, though youā€™d hear topper the odd time alright.

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And even went to Sexton St. Sorryā€¦

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Ah here. Topper for the country lads so

Stop the count!

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Hopefully thereā€™s no weirdos on here who call it an ā€˜eraserā€™, instead of its correct term - a rubber.


Whoā€™s in charge, you or the Devil?

Right, Iā€™ve decided to stop the count as parer was gaining ground & I didnā€™t like where it was going.

Topper has been declared the winner.


Pencil parer