TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Thereā€™s a lot to unpack there.

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Surely a spoof.

Otherwise mans got issues man, cocaine use being the most obvious, if unmentioned one

Its a pisstake. Google him.

The timing of the whistleblowing by this Mudge lad is mana from heaven for Elon Musk.

Heā€™ll have zero trouble weasling out of the deal now.


Ah thatā€™s outstanding

This guy has to be on TFK


Fucking split season

Anyone else sick shit of Twitter? Itā€™s become an awful drag to open it on my phone as if even two hours have passed Iā€™ll have a load of rubbish to scroll through. Itā€™s gone very Facebook like in that itā€™s showing tweets from people who my followers follow. I donā€™t want that. I only want to see what my followers tweet or like or retweet not an endless reel of suggested tweets. Iā€™m also viewing the same tweets numerous times a day after seeing them once which was too much. Iā€™m extremely close to giving it up over how saturated it is but if I could just see the content I want to see itā€™d be perfect.


Thereā€™s new apps you can use and setting to change all that.


A quick google will show you how to refine your settings to block out suggested tweets etc

Click the Star type symbol in the top right corner of your feed.

Have you a few flags on your profile to show everyone that you really care about everything?


Twitter website is down. Still working on the app. Looks like Jack Dorsey pulled the plug when he saw @Smark complaints

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@Smark is not a man to be fucked with

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I donā€™t see anything about this on Twitter.