TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Ya that’s fair enough I suppose. I assume they had those in other countries too?


Ireland’s only unique contribution to world architecture, the free-standing round tower, survives at some 65 sites with examples in all but four of the 32 counties of this island.

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You’d really have to rack your brains to think of a unique structure or one that stands out. I know you have the old O2 Arena now, maybe Titanic museum Belfast. I think the quintessentially Irish ones though are at Newgrange visitor centre, maybe the Ceide Fields one and the one at the Burren possibly fit the bill as well. Glucksman in UCC visually impressive as well.

The Square in tallaght

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The Chaz Majal that CJH turned Govt buildings into

Aren’t they English?

Gandon i presume.

On the button

I’d say 10 for me. And I stayed in one of them.

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This fella needs TFK.


Stupid prick with his phone filming instead of giving him a hand.

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I love the way he says “Redo.” :grin:

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He should have climbed in the boot first and pulled the balloons in after him, closing the lid from inside.

Climb in the back passenger door and out the other one leaving the balloons inside

Reverse the car up to the door of the shop

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Have the bird who offers to lend a hand walk under shelter with them and then drive to her.

Turn off the fan