TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

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I actually thought that Lord John account was a parody for ages, it was like it was taking the most ridiculous Unionist opinion possible in order to make fun of unionists. I actually thought it was very clever. I was disappointed when I found out it was just a ridiculous unionist


I’d say hallucinogenic would be even better.

The Kilclooney account is BOX OFFICE. You’re both laughing at him and with him and that’s the genius of it. He’s pulled of the stereotype of a dotty, slightly racist but ultimately benign grandad to a tee. He’s like a middle class Unionist hybrid of Grandad and Uncle Albert from Only Fools And Horses.


His wiki page is fantastic

In 1988, Taylor replied to a letter from Gearoid Ó Muilleoir, deputy president of the Student’s Union in Queen’s University Belfast, relating to grants for students in Northern Ireland. Taylor’s letter said, “Since your surname is clearly unpronounceable I have, rightly or wrongly, concluded that you are Irish and not British. I therefore suggest that you, and those whom you represent, apply for any necessary grants to the Dublin Government.”[17]

In September 1993 Taylor described Loyalist paramilitary victims (overwhelmingly Catholic civilians) “generally” as “members of organisations which support the IRA”.[18] Earlier that same month he also said the increasing fear amongst Catholics might be helpful because they were beginning to “appreciate” the fear in the Protestant community.[19]

Taylor later repudiated being Irish in a debate in Dublin: “We in Northern Ireland are not Irish. We do not jig at crossroads, speak Gaelic, play GAA etc… It is an insult for Dubliners to refer to us as being Irish.”[20]

In 1997, British Prime Minister Tony Blair issued a statement on the Irish Famine, in which he said “those governed in London at the time failed their people through standing by while a crop failure turned into a massive human tragedy. We must not forget such a dreadful event.” Taylor said, “I suppose it is a nice gesture by the prime minister but he will find it will not satisfy and there will be yet more demands. The Irish mentality is one of victimhood - they ask for one apology one week and another on a different subject the next.”[21]

In 2013 he attended the annual conference of the far-right Traditional Britain Group.[22]

In November 2017, Taylor attracted criticism for describing the then-Taoiseach of the Republic of Ireland Leo Varadkar as “the Indian”.[23] Taylor withdrew his comment, stating that he had forgotten how to spell the Irish head of government’s name, despite spelling it in an earlier tweet.[23] Despite this contrition, in May 2018 Taylor once again referred to Varadkar as a “typical Indian” following Varadkar’s visit to Northern Ireland.[24] This time Taylor stood by his comment, stating that the Taoiseach had “upset Unionists” with his visit, but reiterated that he was not a racist.[24]

On 9 November 2020, Taylor made a series of statements on Twitter about American Vice-President-Elect Kamala Harris, saying, “What happens if Biden moves on and the Indian becomes President. Who then becomes Vice President?”[25][26] When challenged, he claimed that he did not know the name of the vice-president elect, by way of explaining his term of reference. He said, “I had never heard of her nor knew her name is Harris. India is quite rightly celebrating that an Indian, who has USA citizenship, has been appointed Vice President elect”.[27]

Taylor had previously been labelled an “old racist dinosaur” by Piers Morgan, for comments he had made in 2017 about cricketer Moeen Ali. Taylor had said on Twitter that, “Times have changed! The England team now needs non English people in order to win Test Games”. When it was pointed out that Ali was born in Britain, Taylor responded, “Moeen Ali is proud to be British but racially he is not English. There is a difference between being English and being British!!”, adding that, “A Chinese born in England is Chinese and not English!”.[28]

In July 2021, During the Euro 2021 football competition, Taylor posted remarks on Twitter criticising the Spain national football team for not singing their national anthem at the start of football matches. Commentators responded by pointing out that the Spanish national anthem does not, in fact, have any lyrics.[29]


I half hoped this was Ronan Lynch.

I presume still he is a wind up. He doesn’t actually exist??

The RTE soccer panel, presumably Dunphy, also remarked on the Spaniards not singing the anthem. “No unity, Bill”


Anyone know the story here? Did the guards just bayt him to death? I know a few guards and their favourite part of the job 20 years ago was hammering the shite out of lads in the back of a van after arresting them.

There was a similar case in Clonmel about a decade ago

Rossiter was his name

Shercock the same.

This video is mental

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Went to school with his brother, they moved to Wexford town. That was brutal at the time.

I just got banned off Twitter for saying “hopefully he’s on fire”

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Let a few of them off in Cherry Orchard, although they’d probably tame and weaponise them

Eamon Ryan would love it though.