TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Jesus everybody knows Crerand has Donegal connections for FFS.

He was a regular pundit on RTE for major tournaments back in the 90s.


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Has twitter gone bust yet?

Has @peddlerscross got his offical blue tick for his JP parody account yet?

What’s this?

Eli Lilly could do with the few pound after getting their pants pulled down by mick winters and his friends @gilgamboa

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Has bernie called out Pfizer for charging $130 for a toxic mandated shot that costs about $1 to make?

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Pfizer saved the world

I know the Eli lily connnection your talking about i don’t know what incident your on about :flushed:

Family friend of mine. They put word out unsavoury types were buying land near her. She bought it off one of them at a big price.


I know the lady myself. She ain’t short of a bob

She was always sound tbf.

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Nogra convention back in the day


Ah lovely. A hurling goalie in there second.

Hope the govt cheques still got to the right homes

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