TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

He’s an awful gobshite.


That scooby doo lady was a vile hypocrite


I’ll put my head above the parapet and say I have some time for him. His work around the locality on community stuff* is good. Shit like funding for kids’ libraries and other stuff I can’t be arsed recalling. I’m very much for things that improve the community ahead of corporate interests and that’s his strength. But his virtue signalling is painful indeed. I’d still give him a preference ahead of the likes of the toxic Green Party though (cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy).

*NIMBYism (cc @Biff_Egan)


Boom! Headshot

Kissane sent Eddie O’Sullivan home with tae in his mug after the 2007 World Cup exit.

thinky veiled, i dont care about my children living in a post apocalyptic hellhole

Dublin 5 isn’t that bad, mate.


Very on brand for Aodhan. He’s on a roll lately. Some eejit.

Another kicking for aodhan when he sticks his snout into rugby

He’s really struggling to find a cause this weekend.

This lads an awful fuck brain. AK47 would want to take him in hand.

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Voiceless, standing outside, plastic glass in my hand, swapped scarf round my neck, program staying miraculously in my pocket with not a sniff of social distancing. Roll on #SixNationsRugby 2022

— Neale Richmond (@nealerichmond) March 20, 2021

Maybe we’re the bad guys, and Neale speaks for all of Ireland standing tall, with swopped scarves and fat heads.


I dunno. While you have lads shoving their heads up other cunts holes for 80 minutes every weekend are we not always at risk of a pandemic?

There are men asking for DVD’s of today’s gargantuan victory on Twitter. This is more important than people dying, or healthier peoples lifespans being deducted by 2 years. This is rugger and the the team of US.

Did Aodhan get offended last year when RTE had no men commenting on the camogie final ??

Aodhan has a point there in fairness.


It’s sad to see him assuming gender from
Appearance. She/her

Why would you have women commenting on a men’s game?

Isn’t Jo Molloy a woman anyway?