TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

A video of that wouldnā€™t have made it as far as tfk

Why was the lad videoing him from the start.

Iā€™d say he came over and threw the TV in the car after that

All these videos are staged. Social media is too valuable to wait for spontaneous content


He could have done all those things

But he chose to take it on a unicycle, legend

Really donā€™t know whatā€™s real or fake any more. Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s a piss take.

Got it in one. Only its staged. But hes certainly a look at me wanker.

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I imagine there wasnā€™t even a TV in the box.



The worst thing about that entire video is, heā€™s a cunt who owns a unicycle. I couldnt imagine any redeeming feature existing for a cunt who owns a unicycle.


He owns a unicycle. For that alone, heā€™s a cunt.

@backinatracksuit has put this lad on a pedal stool


Please tell me you made that up!! :sweat_smile:

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why are you seething about this?


does this mean i have to get rid of my unicycle?

Not unless youā€™re a clown or the village idiot.

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If we want to stay bessiers, then yes.


All itā€™s missing really is for yer man to be on a unicycle

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Do you get much use for it anyway with your jumpboots?

Exactly. Thatā€™s 100% staged.
The box is empty too.


Box was empty

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