TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

What in the absolute fuck is going on on his chin

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Heā€™s giving you the middle finger with his smig


I donā€™t know how youā€™d carry out a conversation with him in person without breaking your hole laughing


Watched it last night, thought it was quality. Toed the line with a lot of stuff.

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Ah Llyod is sound enough. As the new football coordinator he could have picked a better top thoughā€¦


Joey has had a mental breakdown, egged on by the headbangers

Itā€™s frightening :man_shrugging:


Thatā€™s a ridiculous bit of fluff though.

Not sure he hurls. A good footballer from memory. But yes questionable facial hair regardless of his preferred code.

Wexford hurling has Lee Chin. Wexford football has Gee Chin.


Taghmon men rarely think their actions fully through to be fair


Flip me. Talk about taking yourself too seriously. I find the female pundit thing mildly annoying at times but can see the point of it in terms of appealing more to the female half of the population. At the same time at first I thought Barton was well entitled to the opinion he has on it. Its very hard to understand how someone would get that thick and obsessed by it though.


Itā€™s a tale as old as time (or twitter)

He has headbangers egging him on which is probably quite seductive when youā€™re under a bit of attack

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Heā€™s a loony. proper scumbag stuff.


The commentators heā€™s mentioned are dreadful, but not as bad as the Irish rugby lady, and most of the men are poor also.
Thereā€™s an Aussie lady cricket commentator on Sky who is excellent.

This was his opening salvo last month. Pretty embarrassing stuff to take issue with something yer wan didnā€™t even say.


Heā€™s a washed up has been (never was) desperately searching for relevance so heā€™s looking to exploit the keyboard EDL market for Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£ but heā€™s such a genuinely thick cunt he actually believes all the badly researched, hateful nonsense he spouts. Another gammon cretin who thinks heā€™s a victim because women get a (slightly) fairer crack of the whip these days than they used to.

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You are only allowed to have an opinion these days if it fits in the with the lefty woke mind virus agenda


His point, Iā€™d imagine, is that they are putting ladies on as pundits and commentators simply because they are ladies.
Now, if you turn that around, a commentator by and large just needs to have a pleasant voice, and not be actively annoying. There are a couple of female commentators who fail this very low bar abysmally, one in particular, who can barely stay quiet long enough to draw breath. There are poor male commentators alright, Trevor Francis being the worst I can remember, but I think they perhaps could have tried a wider range of ladies, and they would have found better ones. The cricket ones are really good by and large.
The pundits, you hope for an odd bit of insight (struggling to think of any here tbh, though I always liked the two black lads and thought Stan Collymore was good), or get a bit of entertainment, with Chris Sutton and Kris Boyd being the best example of this as they give a bit of pantomime. Roy Keane has turned into widow twanky.
Unfortunately, the female pundits they have settled on are the female equivalent of Robbie Savage.
Itā€™s the same in GAA. Ursula Jacob is absolutel
y brutal as a pundit. There are a couple of Galway girls who are very good, but they are on TG4 for the most part. The lady rugby commentator on RTE is a shocker. The pundits are meh.
Donal Og was the best hurling pundit, though JC shows promise. The wan on wans inside in the squares are :face_vomiting:.
The American lass who does the NFL highlights on sky is excellent.
They just need to cast the net wider and be a bit more selective.
Iā€™d bet @Midshipman_Asha knows more about hurling than most anyone. Sheā€™d be a good pundit.


When youā€™re making a misogynist argument for the sake of it, you really need to get your facts right

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