TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

This auld covid crack has driven a lot of people stone mad. Or as was telling someone recently it has pulled the camouflage from around all these head-the-balls that were always in our midst and exposed them for who they really are. Crazy time’s.


I was doing my best to warn lads to stay zen but Shur look it

Ok, Karen.

Whenever you hear someone use the phrase “not coming near my kids” or something to that effect I instantly feel intense sympathy for the kids. What chance do they have.


Her kids are better than yours or mine mate. Just accept the pecking order.

This cunt.

cc @glenshane

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He’s genuinely unsufferable.

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A special place for Prince Philip.


MLMD winding up the unionists something shocking there. They’ll fucking hate that.

Ian Paisley JR throwing a fist through his King Billy portrait as we speak

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In fairness to Sinn Féin, they’ve consistently reached out and across to try to build a post conflict society. McGuinness as deputy first minister was constantly sending best wishes to orange bastards like the royal family, Irish rubby team etc etc. This is important symbolic stuff that needs to happen and Michelle and MLMD are carrying it on. RIP Prince Philip. Glad I broke 25 minutes for 5km before you passed.


When did you buy the bike pal?

Agree with the rest of your post… Great hands across the border tweeting from MLMD.


Nasty post.

PBP are the last bastion of republicanism left. MLMD and other quislings could learn a lot from them

Wankers had to tell everybody,
Nobody gives a fuck, fair play to Mary Lou actually in the face of all the shit happening up north
Dev and Hitler comes to mind, it never hurts to be courteous

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Headbangers. At least have some respect for the dead. I’m not sending condolences or wishes or barely a thought about the royals. But don’t make a song and dance about it for attention to remain relevant

I’ve no time for those PBP cunts at all.

Communism does not work in fairness.