TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

That Brid Smith is a nasty piece of work.



I genuinely laughed out loud at that :joy:

Not enough to say nothing but they’ve obviously gotten together (virtually) and decided to make a point of promoting the fact that they won’t sent condolences. Not an ounce of class between them.

Say nothing if you don’t want to send condolences


The PBP Crew have to be the most humourless bunch of politicians ever shat into existence in Ireland. Would make you understand why the communist bloc in Europe was so unrelentingly grim and grey.


Mary Lou McDonalds

I’m lovin it

Horse racing has stole the peoples hearts

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That one must have been difficult to square

Horse Racing is bigger than Jesus

chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip chip, chip, chip, chip chip, chip, chip, chip chip, chip, chip, chip chip, chip, chip, chip

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Donnelly queries exclusion from department tweets

Simon Carswell

Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly queried why he was not being mentioned in tweets posted on the Department of Health’s Twitter feed, internal department records show.

According to the records, an analysis of the department’s Twitter feed was completed for the Minister in mid-January in the midst of the third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic and showed no references were made to Mr Donnelly.

It found that other individuals and State agencies had been mentioned 78 times in tweets posted by the department. Chief medical officer Dr Tony Holohan was mentioned in 21 tweets, while the National Public Health Emergency Team (Nphet) and its members were also regularly mentioned.

It compared the tweets to the Department of Further and Higher Education’s Twitter feed and how its Minister, Simon Harris, appeared in 10 tweets, more than any other person or entity. Mr Harris is a constituency rival of Mr Donnelly’s in Co Wicklow and his predecessor at the Department of Health.


The analysis was shared with the department’s interim secretary general Robert Watt, who in turn raised it with Deirdre Watters, the department’s head of communications. “Deirdre, the Minister completed an analysis of the department’s Twitter feed. There is no reference to the Minister, as you can see. We need to discuss. Thank you, Robert,” he wrote in an email to Ms Watters on January 14th under the subject line “private and confidential”.

The email and one-page analysis of the Twitter feeds – labelled “Health/Higher Education Graph” – were released to The Irish Times under the Freedom of Information Act.

The Minister’s spokesman told The Irish Times he carried out the analysis on Mr Donnelly’s behalf and that the Minister was happy now with the number of mentions he was getting .

Analysis by The Irish Times shows that in the fortnight following Mr Watt’s email, the department retweeted 12 of Mr Donnelly’s tweets and mentioned him in two others.

Mr Donnelly has 68,000 followers on Twitter, while his department has 124,000 followers. Mr Harris has 212,000 followers while his department has fewer than 10,000.

Mr Watt really earning his sizeable pay packet here. Egghead is on a loser trying to compete with Simon’s Twitter game.

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Egghead is already behind on tiktok. He’s losing the youth of wicklow

This reads like parody. Almost unbelievable

Look behind the curtain. Dont see what they are showing you.

shows up a number of the dysfunctional things about DOH: that the civil servants in the ministry of truth (comms unit) would be so petty to leave donnelly off the thread, that donnelly would be so petty and pathetic to notice it, and all of this in the midst of a pandemic when all of their performances have been significantly incompetent

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And that Twitter holds such currency at all with them. Nuts


the ministry of truth is utterly obsessed with all social media channels

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