TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Sad to see blasphemy and profanity used in Jamieā€™s tweet, no need for it.

The same fella has strong opinions, many of which I donā€™t agree with but he deserves to give them.

He has no problem backing up the cork bollox doctor on zero covid for example.

He also needs to toughen up and stay off Twitter in such cases.

Thatā€™s all great and lovely and well reasoned.

Do you not see the consequences of adopting this as the irrefutable way forward though. It means people cannot express themselves. Thousands of years of evolving of personality and communication methods and bonding with verbal and non-verbal cues go out the window?

Suddenly the handbrake is pulled and there is no thought of the car crash that can happen? And how shit life will be with even more rules?

Dictation of speech canā€™t be this sudden when thereā€™s so much goodwill and non-hatred around a phrase like that in all the years of our lives. Itā€™s creating a world that absolutely denies any natural self-determination or immediate classification of what group youā€™re in and what you want/donā€™t want to be in.

Itā€™s absolutely ludicrous and untruthful to think that every marginalised group doesnā€™t have a tag or a temporary name to use on other people that donā€™t match them.

If people keep championing this lack of empathy and assuming hurt, pretend or otherwise, then if you claim to love people or togetherness in the loner term, youā€™re fibbing.

You canā€™t rip up thousands of years of people evolving and humans being in groups to just suddenly become woke or more enlightened. Itā€™s selfish nonsense and self-aggrandising ā€˜a la modeā€™ bullshit.


OK, but whatā€™s the argument for people continuing to use the word ā€œspaā€ if they know full well that people with cerebral palsy see it as a generalised slur on them?

If people know that, why should they continue to use it? Would it not be better if they didnā€™t use it?

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Jamie Wall seems a decent skin on the surface but the reality is a lot lot different. Its always the same with these woke guys. Closets full of skeletons.


He seems like a cunt. That said, Keaney has to go.

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Eoghan McDermott would have been all over this too


Timing is terrible, Heā€™s just bought mikes bikes in Dun laoghaireā€¦the cool kids wonā€™t buy their hipster bikes off him now ā€¦

Mountain out of a molehill.


Thereā€™s none. Thereā€™s no argument.

Justin Thomas (professional golfer who seems to be a very decent sound young fella who said on camera ā€œfaggotā€ when he left a putt short last year) is a good lad, heā€™s learned his lesson - the outrage though, was phenomenal. Heā€™s learned his lesson.

Itā€™s a collective orgasm when someone is themself though and says something thatā€™s considered wrong, and says something weā€™ve all said. Anybody Iā€™ve known/worked with whoā€™s handicapped/gay in this circumstance have a waaay better understanding of the real world than people who rush in to gain Woke Points. You HAVE to give the people who are in the perceived hurt group first dibs on the offence, in my expeience they have the emotional/practical intelligence to understand the situation.

I despise the rush to emulate the US University culture war studies and minority persecution way of thinking that seems to be the de rigeur way of thinking. Thereā€™s going to be a very unhappy end to that for all of our kids. No allowance of spirit/heritage/individual thinking and allowance. Just penance and adhererence, or some variation of it.


Itā€™s great to be on the right side of ā€˜right-onā€™ NOW. This has happened very very quickly. Never in our history have we been prevented from expressing ourselves since the 1930ā€™s. People have to be allowed countering opinions publically. They have to!

This is not about a snapshot view.

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Go on?

People seem to be unable to separate the intention from the word used.


He deleted the tweet

Coincidentally Iā€™m watching Chris rock here on sky comedy and heā€™s talking about the context in which these words are used and the massive over reaction. ā€˜How did he say it?ā€™


Context, subtext are dying.

Everything is literal. An oversaturstion of shit american tv


When I was in school in Monaghan I heard people say ā€œspaā€ almost every single day from 2nd class to 6th year. No, I am not a spastic. The idea that we hated disabled people is just laughable. I didnt really understand what a spastic really was until I was well I to secondary school. Maybe itā€™s just a Monaghan townie thing but Iā€™m very shocked at the offence this is causing some posters. We also said gimp a lot which I also didnā€™t understand. I thought it was someone who wore who wore gimp suit and got pegged in the ass. Iā€™ve heard before that a lot of Monaghan townie slang is just Dublin slang from the 1980s frozen in time - deadly and class - but I I realise how behind behind times we were. I never never say retard for example because its attack on the mentally handicapped and incredibly vulgar so I guess itā€™s just horses for courses.

Jamie Wall is a spastic and a lot of posters here are fags.

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Heā€™s had a shit roll of the dice.

Go on twitter and vent, and make yourself feel better has massive ramifications for everyone. Thereā€™s no cop-on factor anymore. Everyone is selling something. Happiness/Hurt/Lies/Books/whatever.

Dude you might regret that last sentence, the chap is in a wheelchair.

Why would Wall delete that tweet? Is he a serial deleter like Ewan?

I actually thought his issue was with dublin players having their interview responses directed in a certain way