TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Poor old Matt Le Blanc fat shamed and not a word about it. Now if that was a woman ā€¦


It stops here.

We need new words

Well old words reheated

Like snecklifter

Thereā€™s a generalised tone in all of this ludicrous, tedious culture war charade which inescapably implies that people who wish to use derogatory jokes about non-chosen human characteristics, slurs or hate speech are somehow victims because society in general now tends to disapprove of that sort of thing.

In this thereā€™s clearly a space for Keaney to just say, "I shouldnā€™t have used the term, I understand why I shouldnā€™t have used it, and people would say no more about it.

Lads responding to a bona fida psychoā€™s responses on this thread just goes to show covid has left us with fuck all to think /talk about. Has anyone actually bothered to read that drivel?


Iā€™m very hurt by that.

This thread


Iā€™m not going to bother going back to dig out the exact quotes you gave but 2 thoughts occurred to me reading your long posts:

  • you said something along the lines of ā€œits clear whose freedom is really being impededā€. Offensive language impedes nooneā€™s freedom because there is simply no right not to be offended. And freedom means the freedom to be a dickhead, thatā€™s just how it is. The notion of freedom comes originally from the Ancient Greeks, Leonidas and Darius, slaves and freemen. The concept can of course evolve but it can never divorce itself from those origins completely. If you read about what freedom really meansā€¦ freedom is ugly. And thereā€™s no escaping that.

Thereā€™s no freedom not to be offended, thereā€™s also no freedom not to get sick. You might as well talk about the freedom to live forever. The only real meaning of the word ā€œfreedomā€ that means something concrete is the freedom to do whatever you want. That means something definite and non-arbitrary. Thatā€™s ugly but tough. ā€œThe people most concerned with ā€œfreedomā€ as they imagine it are bad peopleā€ - tough shit.

  • I forget the second point.

Good night Sid.


If I ever meet you in person Iā€™ll call you a gowl but I wonā€™t mean it.

You have a great novel in you, or maybe at the very least a few poems.

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Conal Keaney should be in jail

Sure Wall is in that category?? Your ā€œhurt groupā€

It was an overreaction on his part. Heā€™s rowed back off it anyway in a subsequent tweet


I have spent the morning praying, educating myself and also in deep reflection on my white, male, cis, heterosexual, able-bodied status. I would like to withdraw my comment that Jamie Wall is a spastic and a lot of posters here are fags.

Although I fully stand by my analysis that most people, including myself, who have used the word ā€œspaā€ do not connect the word with disabled people we must be willing to learn about the origin of the term and try to improve ourselves. My comment came from a place of frustration, on learning that for years I had been trying to be a decent person but had been inadvertently failing.


Youā€™re grand Tank, youā€™re from Monaghan, thatā€™s enough suffering to be allowed to be a prick. Thereā€™s no need to exercise that right so often though

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Youā€™re ready now to charge schools 10k an hour for your insights.

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Iā€™m basically the equivalent of one of those weird North of England people who turns up on radio every so often talking about the N-word in the woodpile. The shame was hard to process so I lashed out instead. That will be ā‚¬500 please.

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Who are we cancelling today? Iā€™ve a bit of time in the diary for the afternoon.


Itā€™s a long time since Iā€™ve read a post by you that made much sense.