TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Iā€™m off to get a coffee and reflect on the fact that we never went after the Hitler Youth!

He even made one Pope.

Em, it seems fairly obvious he was saying the exact opposite, in relation to the Shamima Begum case. That Britain should not be banishing from the country forever somebody who made a mistake when she was 15 because she was groomed and indoctrinated. Itā€™s actually an excellent point by him.

Shouldnā€™t, but :laughing:



Yeah. Wow.

Thatā€™s cold

ā€œPure accident - he wasnā€™t even lookingā€ :joy::joy:

Ice cold. Fuckin hell, Iā€™m not the better of reading that

Ballygunner and who? Toomevara? Looked like a Toom stroke



Some flouride in the water down Longford wayā€¦


The internet never forgets

Oh dear.

She has to go.

Fairly handy out here

It was a long time agoā€¦
Iā€™ve matured so muchā€¦
Hopefully my journey of maturity can inspire othersā€¦
It was a difficult time in my lifeā€¦
We are always learningā€¦
I want to be a force of changeā€¦.

Etc etc

But the whole thing is wokes donā€™t do forgiveness or tolerance or accept mistakes.

Oh theres nothing handy about this. Shes done for a few years at least.

Ordinarily yes, but I think in case Megan will be on a journey of self awareness and improvement, she never claimed to be perfect

She will be lauded for her bravery in admitting an error and praised her promise to learn from this and educate all those who look up to her etc etc

But the Wokesters donā€™t accept imperfections. Sheā€™s done.

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