TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Once they cancelled Scooby Doo I knew nobody was safe.

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Sure according to your ideology the PIRA were the original “woke intolerants”.

I think a bullet in the back of the head could fairly be described as cancel culture.

Wouldn’t you?

And that cultish ideology continues with Sinn Fein/Conservative and Unionist Party.

Ruh Roh

Forgot about Scooby
I think it was only one tweet, she might have been granted a second chance

Scooby Dooby Doo
Where are you?

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Turns out it was Megan Rapinoe all along.

Would these thick fucks not go back and check their tweets

Twitter tells me Megan Rapinoe was announced as a model for Victoria secret today

What will they do?
Hope it passes over quickly ?

No it wasn’t one tweet, she was a massive racist, at it for years.



Fuck off Shant you fag.


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Way to buck the trend

Not on my watch


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Wait til VS find out

That’s it in a nutshell. The superwoke are using it as a front to be nasty to others and shoe us all how superior they are.

Seems no backlash again Megan
Cancellation is cancelled

Proper order.