TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Imagine getting stuck beside Roy in a pub

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Is there anything more boring than someone who harps on about pubs. Christ almighty.


Alcoholism hidden with bullshite


OK I can never go to Mulligans again.

Im assuming they threw the Dublin Baird out

I see what you did there.

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I was in Mulligan’s the other night and got a pretty average pint.

It turned into a basilica of porter after we left.


Anfield looks different

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Jaysus. Fair play to her she was on the ball enough to get herself out of the situation. I assume there is next to no vetting done of taxi drivers? V easy to sub let your car for the night if you wanted to etc

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Fucking hell. That’s madness.


I see on her Twitter.some other girl mentions similar with the same guy. You’d hope a knock from the guards might come if even only as a “we’ve an eye on you” knock. With Xmas parties etc looming, you’d want this cunt kept under close scrutiny if he hasn’t done anything yet to see him banned.


It’s probably a job that would attract a lot of weirdos too (source: Martin Scorcese)


Garda vetted. But that’s just a check they haven’t done anything yet.

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Maybe they should set up a department to foretell who will commit a crime. Call it something like Precrime or something.


Alternatively Gardaí could preemptively give a warning beating to lads they don’t like the look of.

(joking aside that taxi driver story is sinister and he seems a danger)

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Sure is. Did she report it to the cops? If it can be verified surely he’d at least lose his taxi licence?

They haven’t been caught doing anything yet.
Quite a vast difference.

Good point