TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Would have thought Cllr Elisa would be a bit more apprehensive when she saw a screenshot arriving.

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What’s the gist of that? I can’t make head nor tail of it?

He is dead right. Too many wankers at gigs these days who need to be told to shut up.

Me neither.

And the wife say Oh, not Christy Moore,
He always closes the bar to soon…

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:There are jokes and then there are penguin jokes told by monkeys


He sure is but can be an awful aul cranky sod too

Can be? Its his default position, and wont improve with age. Which is grand, he’s perfectly entitled to be. But no point pretending anything different.

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Crankiness and greatness oft go hand in hand cc @Malarkey

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On the bus mind you

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That never happened

Christy is only covering it.But you probably know that anyways

What next for Wolly?

Move to Brazil and then Portugal?


Say it ain’t so

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He has no more worlds left to conquer (in the world of weekly GAA podcasts)

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Everyone stay cool
The dream team could be forming