Tyrone 2020

You’re the dimwit who called him a failed professional.

There is a difference between ‘a good living’ and ‘enough to be a pro’. I also said that leaving the game when the player decides is an important consideration. With your criteria Harry Kane is currently a failed sportsman but the reserve keeper for Coventry is successful because he won a League 1 medal last season. You are talking bollix here, McKennas career in Australia was a big success.


Listen, you’re the one who called him a success. He made what 2 appearances in his debut season you keep referring to as an 18 year old. You’ve constructed a very specific set of low bar goals for this guy to be considered a success, which is making appearances at a relatively young age. His success boils down to making appearances.
Again, this is a low bar and you should remember this when assessing other pros.

Because he was. He made a career out of it. He took the sport up at 18 halfway around the world and quickly established himself as in important player and regular starter. The vast majority of GAA players are back home in a couple of years but McKenna was an outlier in excelled out there.

You’ve been asked to qualify your failed professional comment numerous times but you’re too gutless to do it.

Incorrect. I would classify getting to high level finals, competing for top level trophies, being one of the top scorers in the league a success. I.e. the Harry Kane example.

The reserve keeper qualifies as a success under your criteria as he is making a good living out of it. That’s your criteria, not mine.

You’ve set a very low bar of success for this guy because he’s coming back to Tyrone. You should take this criteria into account with your criticism of other sportsmen and pros.

We’ve covered why McKenna’s AFL career was a success multiple times at this stage but you’re too gutless to address your failed professional comment.

What we’ve managed to establish is you’re a bit of a dimwit and a coward.

The reserve keeper at Coventry is not making a good living, he is scraping by and when he finishes up will be a postman or something similar. The programme on Sunderland showed you how miserable life can be at that level for reserve players desperately trying to earn a new contract. The reserve keeper at Everton has never won anything but will finish his career with millions in the bank. Anyway you started all this nonsense by asking what McKenna has won, its barely a consideration in professional sport.

Failed - did he win anything? did he drive his team to any highs? was he top of any league stats?

Your criteria boiled down to he made some appearances. That’s a pretty low bar.

Failed professional you said. He succeeded in his career as a professional athlete, despite the fact he only took up the sport at 18, halfway around the world and quickly established himself as a regular starter and important player for his team.

When you look at how many GAA players are back home in a couple of years having barely featured in the AFL, McKenna is an undisputed success.

The bar is low for GAA players in the AFL, very, very few make it like McKenna did.

Listen mate, your initial post said the test of success as a pro was making a good living out of it. League 1 salaries and AFL salaries would not be that far apart. Lets say Championship as championship avg salaries are higher the afl averages. If the criteria for him being a success is making a living out of it then that applies to any championship pro. This your criteria remember.

Yes, any lad who is earning the average salary at championship level or better in England and leaves the game when he wants to get out is a success, without question. Maybe not as successful as they could have been, but a success. When a professional retires he looks at his bank balance, not his medals. McKenna has done very well when he looks at his bank balance.

Appearances are your criteria for success. You must have a huge amount of respect for someone like Tadgh Kennelly given he actually won stuff down there. I hope you were effusive in your praise of his success.

Kennelly went there, made appearances, made money, won a Premiership, came back to Ireland, used cynical Ulster football tactics to eliminate a key opponent to win a AI final, similar to how Gooch was blackguarded in 2005, then went back to Oz, made more money and more appearances and started poaching Kerry’s brightest talents like Walsh and O’Connor. So he should be revered in Tyrone imho

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A huge success.

I agree, kenneally came back for a year, took some other lads place and fucked off again. Loves kerry then he says.

He took Nicholas Walsh

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Kennelly used cynical Kerry tactics.

He sent Murphy home with his spleen in a mug

My sources in club Tyrone tell me they had to match his salary and give him a 2 year contract