UEFA Champions League Round Of Eight

No Zlatan, no party

Embarrassing capitulation

So much for German football being the best in the world.

Stunning performance from Barca tonight.

Would be great to see Atletico, Juventus and Porto all in the semi finals

Dunphy is some clown.

Suarez winner against Real was “lucky” according to Dunphy :smiley:

Barca were very impressive tonight and Dunphy is refusing to give them any sort of credit.

Cracking atmosphere in Oporto tonight. :clap:

Barcelona would pull that Bayern Munich team apart.

Awful defending by Bayern. They will turn it around at home though.

After timing of a type. Fancied Porto to go through but I didn’t back them.


I’d still fancy them to win the tie.

[SIZE=5]Bayern Munich medical staff quits following loss to FC Porto[/SIZE]

Bayern Munich have had serious injury problems the last couple years. Right now in particular as they went into the UEFA Champions League quarterfinal match against FC Porto with just 14 healthy outfield players. It was a match that Bayern Munich lost 3-1 in embarassing fashion. However, the fallout from that loss has carried over to the Bayern Munich medical staff who, lead by Dr. Hans Wilhelm Müller-Wohlfahrt resigned today with immediate effect.

Joining the long serving Bayern Munich doctor – he has been the team doctor since 1977 – were three of his staff citing criticism from the club.

“After FC Bayern München’s Champions League match against FC Porto, the medical division was made primarily responsible for the loss for inexplicable reasons.” - translation from Sueddeutsche

Dr. Müller-Wohlfahrt has been an institution at Bayern Munich. In some ways, and in some circles, he’s synonymous with figures like Uli Hoeneß as a Bayern Munich legend. Now he’s gone.

As to the implications regarding their statement in that the club scapegoated the medical team for Bayern Munich’s loss yesterday in the Champions League, there’s not a whole lot to say. That’s a very serious accusation. The club has yet to comment on the situation at this time.

Here he is mocking the 72 year old Doctor and Bayern legend in a Cup game against Leverkusen recently


This doesnt appear very good for Guardiola.

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 1124831, member: 180”]Here he is mocking the 72 year old Doctor and Bayern legend in a Cup game against Leverkusen recently


This doesnt appear very good for Guardiola.[/QUOTE]

He’ll have to get the same chemist in he had at Barca.

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 1124831, member: 180”]Here he is mocking the 72 year old Doctor and Bayern legend in a Cup game against Leverkusen recently


This doesnt appear very good for Guardiola.[/QUOTE]
Is Guardiola a bit of a cunt?

Without doubt. With a bit of luck he’ll never show his face at Man City.

That Dr Hans Muller-Wohlfahrt lad who just resigned has an extremely dodgy reputation. He’s linked to lots of allegations.