Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

They are rules the party made up themselves, not laws. They can change them whenever needed, although it would fairly defeat the purpose and the people who can change them are the ones who elected her in a landslide

Covid covered this fact for a few years. No hiding now.


I was looking at the betting there for who will replace her as tory leader - I don’t fancy five of the top six getting it (bar one):

Sunak 13/8 (Johnson supporters hate him and couldn’t get over the line recently)

Mordaunt 5/1 (fair enough best chance of the top 5 IMO)

Hunt 6/1 (too much in the centre and has failed in two leadership attempts, meekly last time)

Wallace 9/1 (didn’t touch it last time and he the early favourite, too cute to take over the shit show now, will wait in long grass and keep his powder dry, may not want the top job anyway)

Boris 9/1 :joy:

Kemi badenoch 12/1 - not a hope, too young/inexperienced

I think if Truss goes soon as seems likely the tories will go for an experienced politician who will calm the financial markets. And someone preferably with no long term ambitions who will likely take it for a short time to steady the ship and take them into the next election with an experienced front bench and then move aside for someone younger and more ruthless. I would not be surprised if any of Sajid Javid, Grant Schapps, Steve Baker or even Teresa May got majority consensus to take it for a while and do nothing crazy. All of these are 50/1 + and May is 100/1. I understand Baker is from the right wing of the party and is crazy but he shot conciliatory tone regarding Northern Ireland recently which is very unlike him and might suggest he has leadership aspirations and he would be popular among a large cohort of the Tories.

Yes but they can have roundy bananas and blue passports now.

Boris would be my bet. They never wanted to get rid in the first place

I never expected Truss to last until the next election and I did joke about her being gone by Christmas but in truth I expected she would last until around next May or June or perhaps next Autumn 2023 at a push and that enough time would have elapsed by that stage for Johnson to take over again.

But if Truss is forced out this week, I think it’s too soon for Johnson, not enough time has elapsed, it’s only 39 days since he was PM. I think Rishi Sunak would probably walk in unopposed with no leadership contest. What he said in the debates and being perceived to have been proved right would stand to him.

Gone by Halloween has become the new gone by Christmas joke as far as Truss is concerned.

Tory rags leading with “Nightmare on Downing street”


World beating tax cuts to austerity in a matter of weeks. The markets gave the brexit bunch some spanking

It’s the fault of the anti growth coalition mate. Fall the fuck in.

Boris won’t get it because they know for an absolute fact that they’ll lose their seats in 18 months if he does, almost all of them. He’s going to have to do the chicken run himself as it is.

Steve baker is a strong candidate for the biggest cunt in the Tory party, and hence pretty much the UK. If you believe any single word he says, I have a bridge for sale.

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There is one great thing about this entire episode - hopefully more of this on the airwaves

edit: any excuse to throw this classic up


I wonder what the real Sid the sexist makes of it all ? Not the deranged tfk version

Jermey Hunt is now the Prime Minister


Baker is a Christian fundamentalist whack job, he wouldn’t get within an arses roar of it, if they gave it Boris for 18 months, they would put up a good show in the next election

If they want to get rid of Truss they must either:

(A) Have an agreed candidate without a leadership contest

(B) Move the goalposts on their leadership election rules as the prospect of 160k people taking 6 weeks to choose the PM will not wash again

(C) Call a general election

B & C are unlikely, therefore A is the only way out, or else she digs in.