Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Ah yeah. I like him. Plus he has a bit of time to sort some shit out. While the general consensus seems to be that the Tories will be in power for the next 5 years, they are making such a fuck up of the Corona crisis, it could cause a revolt.

we have a big chance in the next election

And if he attempts Brexit and that goes wrong he is fucked.

A thumping mandate for Sir Keir, that commie gimp and his mates can get the fuck out of it now for good


First Alan, then Keir. What a fucking weekend.

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What ya mean?

If the Tories force through a no deal Brexit and it goes tits up

first task, clear out those Unite and Momentum morons, they can stick their failed socialist ideology up their bollox

John McDonnell, Seamus Milne, Jeremy Corybn, can you hear me Jeremy Corybn, you boys took one hell of a beating, ONE HELL OF A BEATING

cc @anon7035031


The Tories and the English in general (notice I didn’t say British) will need to reassess this in a big way after the crisis is over. There is every chance that the ECB will print money, throw it into a central fund and let everyone pull away
Also a fair chance itll be written off. I know the Germans and Dutch are against that but they may not have a choice when the final bill comes
in. If the english have to either print money or borrow vast amounts, they’ll be fucked. I’d rather be inside the tent pissing out

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I am officially announcing that I now support the British labour party under Sir Keir Starmer.


Starmar seems a sensible choice, good to see the unelectable far left getting a chasing.

Mark Darcy in the Bridget Jones books/films was based on him.

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The EU is falling apart mate. Solidarity my arse.


Let’s hope that Sir Keir still remembers his old mate @flattythehurdler


Then we should milk the cunts before it all goes tits up

A big coup for them early doors

Is he related to Nigel Starmer-Smith? Nigel wouldn’t strike me as someone who’d have much truck with those Labour Commies.

Let’s hope so mate

Starmer seems like a decent sort and had a major role in the phone tapping prosecutions. The Murdoch press will do what it must.

I don’t believe so, Sir Keir is going to root out those commies that have destroyed the party, he can say what he wants now that he was won the leadership battle about that creep corbyn and his cronies like mcclusky but he probably won’t as he is too much of a gentleman