Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

He has. And it will be the undoing of him.

Boris wouldn’t last 5 minutes without him. And even less with him

Yer man Kier is not half the man Corbyn is but is an acceptable face to middle class people and will therefore get an easy run.

Britain truly is a hellhole.


Goes to show what a fuck up Corbyn made of it though. Shame, he seemed a nice man. Maybe that’s what the problem was.

No, he was just a stupid cunt.


Stand down captain stubing

Ah here. Do you do any reading about anything apart from on here?

Oh look it’s Britain’s most irrational Corbyn hater trying to pretend he’s going to bring objectivity.

Cummings better hope that lockdown ends and this virus goes away pronto.
He’s become a national figure of derision and mockery.
The population at large see him as a preening narcissistic nerd, which is a fair summary I suspect.
I’d say he absolutely hates it.


The Tories will shaft Boris. They always do.

The problem is, and I’m not winding anyone up here, is that he’s a London lawyer who was the architect of Labours disasterous Brexit policy. How is he going to go down in the old red wall seats?

The film went to his head. He’ll be gone once Brexit is done.

Lads like @flattythehurdler will be fawning all over them as they don’t like poor people.

He’ll go down great in Islington. Not so sure about Darlington.

Narcissistic ???

Have you seen the cut of him . He lives in clothes from the bargain bin in Sports Direct

You could work on your slogans a bit.

Oh he’s a premier League narcissist.

More of an egotist than a narcissist I suspect. Not much of a difference but that’s what I’d class him as

Hmmm not sure about that. That waster Corbyn wouldn’t get off the fence re Brexit and didn’t give Keir a lot to work with