Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Like a lawn chair. Was always gonna happen especially once President O Biden got elected. Sir John Major gave them a dose of reality this week and Michel Barnier is having a party

I notices that their tune had changed when Trump was beaten, suddenly Boris was having calls with the EU President and he wasn’t as bullish as he was when his mate Trump was in office. Have to say Trump really fucked up the Brits with his promise of a deal.

When you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas

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Oh I’d say Johnson had fleas long before lying down with trump. He looks like a smelly unwashed eccentric the Brits are known for.


He’s lain down with more than dogs - and plenty of them.

FAO of @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Its Boris though so likely a bare-faced lie

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Why would anyone want to drive a petrol or diesel car?

The concept of going to a petrol station is so outdated and it beggars belief people still do it

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You’d imagine Cummings got the heave so they could make a deal with the EU. Trump losing and Mayo’s Joe Biden saying the UK US trade deal (which was never going to happen the way they wanted anyway) is off the cards means Boris hasn’t a leg to stand on in negotiations with the EU

Be some craic if Biden showed up at the Galway
v Mayo match tomorrow

He’d have to pretend to be a steward

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President O Biden is welcome in Salthill any time

Vol Biden

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He described that w@nker David Davies perfectly, so I suspect he’s spot on here too.
I know a lad that works (ed) with Cummings (cc @balbec @anon67715551) who told me he is a really nasty person. Evil was the word he used.

Cameron called him a career psychopath.

You support a zionist.

Who is a zionist?

I think Boris has got one of them pregnant

Someone who doesn’t support that smelly cunt Corbyn.

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Flatty’s BFF


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