Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

The civil servants in FCO and DTI must be banging their heads off their desks at the stupidity of the tories

If they bang them too loud they’ll get fired. Can’t be disturbing Boris sleep.

Ideology trumps commonsense.

Not usually s sign of good things to come.

Who is really steering the ship Britannia?



Miss piggy

i’d happily kermit her


On a lighter note, I was perusing tfk in the coffee room earlier this morning, and I was listening to two cleaning ladies talking about the funeral today of “Barbados Joe” who appears to have been in the skip hire business in around south Manchester. The younger one said
“I wonder if they’ll carry 'im on one of 'is skips”
“Eee” replied the older one, “they’ll 'ave to strap 'im on right”


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Well thats fine then. Just fine.

Critically acclaimed = only watched by a few lefties in Islington and Finsbury Park


The Tory mouthpiece is circling the wagon.

They’re circling the Bentleys.

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Queued up outside houses worth a million quid by the looks.

Does your Butler iron the Guardian for you?

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I get all my news from TFK mate.

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I’m actually reckon I do for the most part. You get more informed comment on most anything here than anywhere else. Someone is an expert on whatever you need. @caoimhaoin was a expert on everything God rest him.


The ordinary Joe hops a ball off a gable end. The discerning TFK reader runs a 10k, then hops a ball off a gable end.

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