Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

I wonder will Boris actually marry Carrie or just string her along until something better comes up. :thinking:

Boris probably has another lady hidden away somewhere.

What kind of a dumb cunt does up a place that he is essentially a tenant in anyway?

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I would have thought that there would be a budget there anyway for the downing street apartment to done up by a new occupant.

Yeah , I think it was about 30k. But the bauld Boris spent multiples of it the daft fool.

And it is fucking hideous as well. Always thought there would be a budget to give the place a lick of paint or whatever to make it feel like home.

The problem for Boris is that he got party doners to pay for it on the sly. Over here he would be lauded for not wasting the taxpayers money on it but using the party donations to do it. :slight_smile:

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Emily is gently skewering Boris tonight

must be a heave coming if emily is going after him

Apparently the Tory donor who paid for the renovation was given just the £120 million in public contracts.

Word is theres a great sale in John Lewis today

That is good banter

Sir Kier is having a party. Major Sleaze won’t like this

So Popbitch have found Johnson’s phone number and leaked it.


Brexit innit

How very English!

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Long covid

Boris is probably gone. It’s just Murdoch deciding if this is the time and who replaces him.

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If they’ve a good local elections, Johnson will hang on a bit longer. The front pages today have moved on. I wonder if they are holding back for Sunday.

The story there is the drop in Labour support rather than Tory increase