Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Tories increasing popularity in England is probably good news for the SNP. If SNP/Greens can get a majority the pressure for another referendum is likely within the next parliament. If they don’t get this referendum that will probably only fuel support for independence. An increasingly divided UK.

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Starmer is even more useless than Corbyn :rofl:

How are Scottish results looking?

Hamish McJockstrap is romping home


English Labour has the leader it deserves. SIR Keir Starmer, a multi millionaire, landowning, cunt without either personality or principles.

He’s lost Hartlepool for the first time ever. The ruling party takes a seat from the opposition in a mid term bye election for almost the first time in living memory.
What a useless plonker.

Boris rules!


Do you reckon they should go back cap in hand and ask Rebecca Wrong Daily to take over?

Have english people always been this servile or is it just over the last few years. Gaslit to fuck by the worst shower of tories in living memory, they kindly continue to lube themselves up and say, ‘thank you sir, may I have another’ while they get fucked.
And all because ‘but Labour’.
It is fascinating to watch.


The English working class are in no way left wing. In fact, large sections of them have a deep racist streak within them. They’re nationalist not internationalist.

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Anyone vaguely open minded in ingerland is smeared as “metropolitan elite” and presumed since brexit to be in the minority. It’ll be a generation before this changes.

John Bull mindset. I suppose these would have been conscripted in years gone by!

On a side note, the baxtards dug up the hill of Tara

British Israelism - Wikipedia

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The writing is on the wallpaper for your mate.

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There used to be, possibly still is, a strain of Ulster Proddy Nationalism that espoused the theory they were descended from a lost tribe of Israel.

Sir Keir - papering over the cracks. He may need more paper


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Its the lurch to nationalism, happening everywhere not just UK. Once nationalism rears its ugly head the only longterm logical conclusion is world war, probably sooner than we think

Keir out.

Jezza in.


hahaha Just seen that snake Mandelson blaming Corbyn for Hartlepool!

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Long Corbyn they call it


Boris Johnson 5
Labour 0

Be some craic if that useless Khant gets the boot in London


In the next 5 years.

Wonderful result. Delighted for Boris and his team.


:uk: :ireland: