Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

a new version of the nadine dorries interview emerges


The Papua New Guinea Courier calls it as it sees it

edit: apparently a parody but still, on the button.


I like the metric-averse tag

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Boris is only laughing at them ffs

Crazy bastards

Boris sending his dogs after Sir Keir I see

Sir Keir has him bate up a stick!

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Christ. It’s vicious.

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He’s good at the auld wummery in fairness

What are they roaring about there? Haven’t been following any of this…

As part of his deflection strategy Boris Johnson whipped up a storm last week stating Keir Starmer was responsible for Jimmy Savile not being prosecuted when Starmer was head of the Crown Prosecution Service.

The far right conspiracy theorists have latched on to it. Trump style politics from Johnson with consequences heading in the same direction.

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The far right conspiracy theorists started it and Boris repeated it to try and deflect. Didn’t work that well

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There were lads here who were fanatically in support of that so called “convoy” in Canada.

Seems to be the way it’s going around here.

Analysis by Shayan Sardarizadeh, BBC Monitoring

Today’s protest in Westminster was an attempt to replicate the “freedom convoy” in Canada’s capital in recent days.

But unlike the protest in Ottawa, the UK rally was small. Familiar faces from anti-vaccine rallies that have been held during the pandemic were in attendance.

The small gathering outside the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police had been relatively quiet up until Sir Keir was surrounded.

Amid shouts of “traitor” and references to Jimmy Savile and paedophiles, the Labour leader was accused by one protester of “ignoring our Magna Carta”.

This a familiar theme used by followers of the so-called “sovereign citizen” movement.

They believe they can opt out of laws - including Covid restrictions - by invoking a clause in Magna Carta - the royal charter of rights signed in 1215.

They have handed fake legal documents to health workers and teachers to try to stop Covid vaccinations and some have even tried to remove Covid patients from intensive care wards, citing non-existent “common law” empowering them to do so.

Not Capt Tom

I’d like to say I’m surprised, but I’m not really.


Truss making an absolute show of herself in Moscow today is hilarious.
It’s only a matter of time before the russkies, the septics and everyone else quietly ask the brits to fuck off and leave it to the adults.


Boris Johnson has nightmares every night, not about Putin but about Beth Rigby. Another car crash interview for him today