Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Her anorexia must be telling

Fair play to Kate for taking a stand against militarism here.

She does what she is told to do

Duncan Smith resigns which is a bit of a bombshell. He’s positioning himself over with Boris you’d have to guess.

It’s amazing that when the Tories are so divided they are under pretty much no threat as Labour are such a shambles. And I know the polls have Labour eking ahead, but the last election shows they aren’t worth a damn.

ISIS are winning the battle. If we normalise terror, they win the war to control Europe too

common sense


Happy and Glorious!

Devout Irish Catholics observe a day of abstinence to celebrate their religious festival. The brits go on the piss, innit, to celebrate yer wan not dying yet. I’m sure you will set an example of prayerful devotion @Tassotti

Is Lizzie Saxe Gothe going on the batter?
I bet she’s some craic after a few GTs.

Your head of state, mate.


This is not a state, it’s the occupied 8 (6 states and 2 territories).

Where you jumped through the hoops for citizenship :joy:


Ah that’s gas. Fitz on his hands and knees begging to be allowed to become a citizen in front of the Queen “yes m’am”


@fisty lined up with a crowd of Greeks immigrants waiting his turn to recite Advance Australia and the tears rolling from his eye as he recites his pledge like a boy scout.
‘The greatest day of my life mate’


getting his little slip of paper the off the queen, he has it proudly framed and sitting on the mantelpiece

I get it. :laughing:


Ah here

Asking any of the Royals he can get hold of if they will sign his cricket ball.

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The loyalist of her subjects is Fitz. He fucking loves it