Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Only the Queen Bee can sort this out promptly

Gove now sacked by 3 differnt PMs. Some going

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They’ll have to level 10 Downing Street to get Johnson out.

If Johnson pulls out of this i can see a tan chest thumping movie that will sweep the BAFTAs like the iron lady.

Borris the Iron Bollocks

Bone is on Newsnight - this will be fun

You have a strange idea of fun

Hilarious stuff there from Nick Watt speculating that Carrie Antoinette could go to Johnson and tell him to resign like Denis Thatcher did to Maggie.

She is not going to do that. She was only with Johnson in the first place because she wanted to be married to a Prime Minister and be famous. As soon as he’s gone, she’s gone.

How many of the resigned MPs are on putins purse strings? Meddling again

This Conor Burns chap is some cunt. Imagine being a Catholic Fenian from Belfast and ending up as a prostitute for the worst Tory PM in history.

Same with Dorries. A working class girl from Anfield with an Irish Catholic father. She even worked as a nurse.

I don’t know, maybe sometimes something in people’s brains snaps and they break apart as people, never to have any self respect ever again.

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Simon Hart, Secretary of State for Wales has just resigned

The cat has walked out the front door of number 10. No loyalty. A dog wouldn’t do that

Somebody will need to step into his shoes.

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The staunch Tory Guido Fawkes website is based in Waterford

Another one

He used to own a shoe shop in the ILac centre.


Johnson will go and get Covid again, fake that it’s bad, drum up sympathy among the rank and file Tory drones, and all the MPs will fall in line again.

Morning phone call to Zelenskyy

This fucking fool on about press portraying Boris as Hannibal again.


And again just now.

Here’s a bit about Adam.

Suella Braverman the latest rat to desert.

Says she’ll run for leader. :rofl:

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