Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

An arguement could be made that Covid 19s two highest profile victims were Donald Trump and Boris Johnson.

He’s a massive horse racing fan so I hope your right

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Bald men don’t tend to get elected to leadership roles.

He’s in the perfect position.

He didn’t move against Johnson but neither has he been seen to be too associated with him. Few people had heard of him before February. He doesn’t seem to have any enemies in the party.

Tories are obsessed with Churchill and he can pull off the Churchill thing pretty well. Johnson couldn’t because he was a cad and a bounder who couldn’t keep his mouth shut. Wallace is seen to be the opposite. A quiet, determined Army man, a safe pair of hands.

He was a Remainer but his relative quietness and his being seen to be morally clear and vocally pro-Ukraine will override that.

He wouldn’t have had a hope of being the next leader only for Russia inflicting war on Ukraine, but events change careers.


Penny Mordaunt a dark horse perhaps in the next PM stakes?

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They learned their lesson with William Hague.


Tories have a proven track record of making a bald man leader during a war in Europe.

He’s being called the worst caretaker since Ian Huntley.

Maxine Carr was probably more trustworthy than Carrie Antoinette to be fair.

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Just read his full bio was a PPS under Ken Clarke as Tories go doesn’t seem the worst.


She is a very attractive looking woman.

That was then. This is now.

Your no better than Boris

So am i in the right dress. But im still not the right choice to lead england, at this moment.


I posted her in the appropriate thread ages ago.

Would she now get a ministerial pension?

Or do you have to do the job longer than a cup of coffee?

When the history books are written about Johnson’s reign I’d say they will make some reading. Even though we don’t know the half of it I’d say he is the worst, most unprincipled and self serving person ever to hold high office in the UK. It will be interesting to see in time what damage he has done to the country.


Explains a lot about ireland