Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

It is August and the sun is splitting the rocks. Expect these numbers to get worse as the nights close in.

Sometimes it’s better not to venture out of your comfort zone.

Rishi Sunak seems like a reasonably bright chap. The worldview he was brought up to believe in might, indeed does consist entirely of ideas that are thoroughly discredited, but you sense that hidden away somewhere in there is a decent chap who inhabits a world based on reality, or at least some part of him wants to.

It’s why he can’t carry this celebrity buffoon act off. He has an inner sense of shame, though he tries to suppress it. You can’t be Trump or Farage if you don’t have the shamelessness, the lack of awareness, the glazed eyes, the army of glazed eyes cultists to laugh uproariously at every inanity and puff your ego.

You just can’t do it. It makes people look awkwardly towards the floor, and try to supress coughs.

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The hat and coat will come in handy.

Why is Corbyn hated so much in the UK? Is it down to his IRA related shenanigans or more to it?

Hero I thought

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He’s not wrong?

How are the usual suspects going to back track here ?

he’s bang on

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He hasn’t been wrong on anything to date.

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I don’t give a fuck if there were corrupt politicians in Ukraine, Putin & Russian has no business going in there regardless.

Who said any of that?



Nobody provoked Russia.

There goes his late late show appearance anyway

Cian must be very disappointed in him.

Mick has condemned the war and Russia and said Russia shouldn’t be there… He has always been anti EU because the mandate of the EU is to smash unions and sell off public owned/state bodies to private hands. The snippet isn’t talking about the invasion per se, but rather the EU stirring shit up in Ukraine for over a decade now.

Mick is a great man. He’s bang on about the neo liberal EU agenda


Europe are not guilty of stirring up anything. All they’re guilty of is reliance on cheap Russian imports and the dirty money generated in profits of Oligarchs

How naive are you.

Business is Business kid.

Invasion is another story altogether