Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Mark Carney staying put . Good.

How did they know the truck drivers were “foreign”?

The number plates on the lorries, Fitzy


The square heads


No self respecing Brit would be caught behind the wheel of a left hand drive.

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Yes, that’s the lorry, but I’m asking about the driver.

Yes I suppose there could be lots of foreign looking English chaps driving around in left hand drive foreign registered lorries.

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There are hundreds of fatal accidents involving HGVs in the UK every year. An insignificant number involve foreigners. The primary cause is industry lobbying against better regulation for both the drivers and the trucks, as well as the effective campaign to stifle the development of the rail infrastructure. But why take on a powerful group like that when you can just blame foreigners.

Funnily enough, the best answer to effective legislation on driver hours, vehicle standards and consistency in such a mobile cross-border industry is the EU.


Gary Lineker has again offended a load of non-PC heads on Twitter by commenting on this.

He shat in his togs.

what did he say

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It will be interesting to see the mail build up the same fury against foreign built robots 15 years down the line.

I don’t think it’s a question of PC or non PC
Its at worst racist and at best woeful journalism.

Linekerso comments are just common sense. You don’t have to be PC to agree with him.

Here’s Tassotti’s brother in arms, running the gauntlet in Calais.


The Daily Mail are playing to this stereotype and cultivate the narrative of a culture and a country under siege.

The real problem, as WTB outlined earlier, is the nature of work in the transport industry.

As far as I can see, the views expressed in this clip reflect those of a lot of people in the EU. And they are revolting.

I see ‘Tesco bank’ were hacked over the last few days with some 20k customers having funds disappearing from their accounts. They’ve frozen everything now and passed this sordid mess over to the fraud police. Why would anyone have a bank account with Tesco. :grinning:

While not extolling the virtues of Tesco, its not like other Banks have shown themselves to bastions of security and morality in recent years. Would they be safer with say, a Northern Bank?

I presume they will all be recompensed by the “Bank” acting for Tesco.

you’d want your head examined

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