UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Actually, I think freedom of movement is one of the biggest if not the biggest motivation for voting remain.

Well there’s a few reasons I imagine.

It’s quite clear though that’s FOM was a significant reason for voting Leave for certain people.

The Remoaner elite want to travel seamlessly to their holiday homes in Provence and Tuscany.


Did Jeremy get a kick in the stones today?

Like Nigel Lawson?

Prefer Nigella myself but hey, each to their own.

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I think Watson has just holed corbyn below the waterline. I don’t think corbyn is electable. Advantage boris. Unbelievable that a man everyone knows is a serial cheat, a serial liar, a bully, coward, and physical abuser of women will be elected into power due to the lack of a credible alternative for the non thinking classes, its GUBU

The ex Blairite and Brownite’s are queuing up now to give Jel a kicking. They didn’t have the balls to do it in the last few years though.

Not sure if it was balls. They couldn’t swing and miss. Corbyn would be a commander on The Handmaid’s Tale. He is a fanatic. I honestly find him genuinely creepy. He surrounds himself with blithering idiots which is never a good sign either. That Rebecca long Bailey sends shivers down my spine, and not in a good way.
Jo Swinson and the mums net brigade are the only hope here.

That’s a really strong reaction. I think most of his policies make more sense than any politician that has been around in a long time. What’s your opinion of Bernie Sanders and what’s the difference that makes Corbyn a fanatic and a creep? I think it’s strange that between two potential PMs, one of whom is a liar a racist a misogynist who clearly has contempt for the people that he wants to rule and who is clearly in thrall to a cadre of elite interests, you find the other one creepy. Why is that? I’m not having a go I’m genuinely interested.

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It’s not Corbyn’s policies I necessarily have a problem with mate. It’s his ruthless purging of anyone who gets in his way, whilst he tolerates some horrific utterances by supporters. It’s his hypocrisy time and again on multiple issues. I find him viscerally repulsive, and I’m not alone in this.
A very well known leftwing journalist also told me that in her entire career, he was the most hateful person she had ever met in politics, and the most arrogant
With Boris, you know he is an amoral narcissist. Jezzer is just creepy.

Maybe it’s the fact that Corbyn seems to hate Britain. The enemy of my enemy…

Himself and McDonnell are pushing a failed Marxist ideology. It goes down well at the student union though.

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You’d rather he push the imperialist and class conscious line that the tories push is it?

What ruthless purging? A party leader needs to have party unity. If many of his MPs had copped the fuck on and rowed in with the party and not tried to undermine him at the last election they could well have won it. As it is the vote he achieved was massive. What horrific utterances? I may not be following closely enough to have seen any, can you give examples? Are they anywhere near as bad as what the Tories come out with? If so that’s awful. If not, why are they being judged by different standards?

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I’d rather you went and shat in your hat.

So you’d have a decent christmas dinner ?

So Boris was right to purge his party of the Remoaner MPs?

Swan with all the trimmings.

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Swan stuffed with carp.

It’s a leader’s job to choose their front bench and party politics works with a whip system. A leader can accommodate varying levels of differing voices but you have to vote as the party leadership directs. If you vote against the party you lose the whip though, that’s how it works, isn’t it?