UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Fake news from the fascist press.

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“certain” = racist. Call these people out

Boris explains everything very clearly here.

Alun Cairns resigned as Welsh Secretary for being found out to have endorsed a candidate who deliberately collapsed a rape trial

Now these

Seems like the Tories have a problem with institutionalised rape, as well as instutionalised racism

Nobody has answered

Strange that

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Well look at this

Seems like the editor of the Jewish Chronicle was big into his far right rhetoric, some would even say it was anti-Semitic, and with some justification

I wonder why he changed his opinion on Margaret Hodge

Was it anything to do with her constant attempts to take down Corbyn, I wonder :smiley:

And rightly so, there’s no place in Labour for that

Now, when is Michael Gove resigning for his anti-Semitism

When is Boris Johnson resigning for his racism

If the same standards were applied to the Tories that are applied to Labour, the Tories would barely have an MP left

The right-wing cultists on this forum are curiously silent about the institutionalised racism of the Tory party

I wonder why

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There are people here who will be no doubt telling us that John Bercow is “the wrong kind of Jew”

Strange that every Jew who supports Corbyn also turns out to be “the wrong kind of Jew”

The biggest targets of anti-Semitism in British politics are Jews who support Corbyn

But you won’t any acknowledgement of that virulent anti-Semitism from @balbec or @Tim_Riggins or @anon7035031

That’s the good type of anti-Semitism as far as they’re concerned and as far as all those who are out to take down Corbyn are concerned

It is Orwellian

That pretty much nails it for me. I’m genuinely interested to know the specifics of what makes Corbyn so hateful for Flatty. It makes no sense to me.

If he is that ill informed, I don’t have the time to even try. Glas is utterly entrenched in every view he holds in any case. No point trying to open his mind

Yeah but, dúirt Flatty liom go dúirt bean leí that Corbyn was the most hateful man in politics. And she’d know.

You’re the same fella who praised me once before for being consistent.

I don’t follow UK politics very closely but I’ve never seen any examples of the things you’ve listed. I asked with an open mind could you give me any examples at all. You’re one of the soundest most reasonable posters on here (that’s not saying much in fairness) so I find the strength of your opinion strikingly strange because I can’t see what it’s based on. Nothing specific as far as I can tell, just emotionally charged language like “purge” and “zealot” with nothing to back it up.

I love a low bar

If you don’t come up with anything I’m going to have start calling you Flattythetory. I didn’t want it to come to this.

Namecalling is so juvenile Tinkerbell.

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The Labour Party are institutionally anti Semitic and Jeremy Corbyn tolerated it, that has always been the point. Very difficult for you to grasp.

Even the Shadow Chancellor stated that the Labour Party had a problem and did not handle complaints properly - something you have never acknowledged.

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It isn’t all racist.

He asked you a few questions you haven’t answered

Making statements that somebody is “ill-informed” is not debating

It’s shouting