UK general election 2019 - corbinned

He needs a little encouragement every now and then

That’s not a flip flop

Labour set out a number of tests at the 2018 party conference as to how it would back a second referendum

Those tests were fulfilled

It now backs a second referendum

That seems pretty coherent

It has evolved its policy as the facts of the Brexit negotiations changed

That has proved to be sensible policy - and I was not always on board with it, it was at times highly frustrating, but in the end it was the right policy

The Liberal Demorats were the party of a second referendum - now they aren’t - they suddenly changed to being the party of revoking Article 50

Now, could you tell me, is that a flip flop?

The Tories were the party of the Union

Now they are the party of breaking up the Union

Could you perhaps tell me whether that is a flip flop or not

Nope. Not at all.

Looks like @balbec has turned @Julio_Geordio.


So Boris gets away with it but Corbyn is the devil. I see

As the forums foremost capitalist and socialist I can think both Boris and Jeremy are equally inept

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Here’s a concrete example of anti-Semitism in British politics by Michael Gove

Gove uses the age old anti-Semitic trope of automatically conflating all Jews with Israel, that the views of the Israeli government represent Jews in Britain

That is anti-Semitism 101

Now, where’s the condemnation from the usual sources that smear Corbyn

Oh yeah, nowhere, that’s where

Because Gove is pro-Israel, and that’s what this is about

Do you agree @Julio_Geordio

Both are terrible politicians and if Labour had anyone halfway decent they’d be kicking the Tories up and down the parliament.

Michael Gove is an absolute cunt and the fact that a party led by himself, Mogg and Boris lead Corbyn in the polls only amplifies my point that Corbs is dragging labour down

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Corbyn is fantastic.

It’s only crackpots like Rachel from Countdown and @Julio_Geordio who peddle those lazy anti semitic lies.

Jezza Jezza Jezza.

Two very good looking crackpots to be fair


Yet your ire is exclusively directed at Corbyn. Terrible politicians get elected because people believe the lies they are told. Stop believing the lies you are being told

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Opening post of the thread. Up your game mate.

Corbyn’s Labour secured the highest Labour vote since 1997 in 2017

The biggest problem with UK politics is not a difficult one to spot

UK media is overwhelmingly right-wing and corporate and much of it has adopted the actual propaganda tactics of fascists in a manner reminiscent of the far right in the US and in Russia

That was as true under Ed Milband as it was under Corbyn

It would be true were anybody else Labour leader as well

Milband was and is a moderate social democrat

Can you explain why Labour lost so badly under him

That’s the Jewish Ed Miliband by the way, amazing how he ended up leader of the party on a grass roots vote given that it’s apparently so anti-Semitic

Look beyond the lies bro

Because he couldn’t eat a sandwich


Not once has any supposed anti-anti-Semite here condemned any of the many concrete cases of anti-Semitism from Tories or Republicans in the US

They have no ability to look beyond the lies and come out of their football supporter mindset

Feeble minds make easy fodder

I would like to take this opportunity to condemn any and all cases of anti-Semitism from Tories or Republicans in the US

Now mate

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I’m playing a long game here.