US Election result hub 2016

Jesus. People really, really hate Clinton.

Live tax free or die :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Unbelievably so. The GOP could have run the head of the Klan and he would still win it.

Oh yes, you only realising this now ?

Michigan is looking good for the Donald now.

Americansā€¦Fuckin hell.


You see, there was this girlā€¦

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In fairness to Hillary, it was those Obama people that lost this election for her.

Good news is that Trump will set to work immediately to start undoing the damage of the Obamaā€™s.

She has some record though. Losing to a rookie like Obama eight years ago and now this.


Does ā€œtoo close to callā€ mean the liberal media donā€™t accept that she is done??

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Dow futures are down 4.6%. Obama in his last days and still managing to fuck the markets. SMH.

Ah well cheer up Democrats, Michelle Obama will run the next time. Sheā€™s nice.

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Elizabeth Warren will have the nomination if she wants it and will have the anti-establishment, economic justice credentials in spades that Clinton was perceived to lack.

America,where Blacks and retards come before women :sweat_smile:

The Canadian Immigration site has crashed.

They really do but most people here just donā€™t get that very basic fact. They rely on the likes of Niall Oā€™Dowd for their US news and slavishly follow his pro-Clinton line.


We agree on something for once @GeoffreyBoycott. Blinded by RTEā€™s democrat propaganda.

Report they had the other night was a disgrace. Completely imbalanced attack on President Trump.

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And he a great friend of Ireland and all.