US Election result hub 2016

I might go to bed early Joe. I was out and about at four this morning.

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Some states reporting higher then normal turnout
Whoā€™s this going to favour?

Times Square is looking well on Sky News.

Done and dusted if thatā€™s right.

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The first exit polls are out. Perhaps the most notable thing about them is the favorable ratings for each candidate. It seems to match the pre-election polls with Clinton and Trump both being seen as unfavorable by a majority of voters, but with Trump being more unlikable than Clinton. Only 44 percent have a favorable rating of Clinton, but an even lower 37 percent have a favorable view of Trump.

Long way to go yet palā€¦

Awful lot depends on the bitter silent voters.

12/1 still available on Clinton 360 or over.

Exit polls tend to be unreliable. Like with Kerry in 2004, they have tended to place the Democrat share of the vote at to high a number as well. I wouldnā€™t put too much stock in them.

Long night will it

It was 12.05 our time in 2012 when first results were declared, so should be seeing something within the hour.

Fair play to the commonwealth of Kentucky. Boyd Crowders home patch of Harlan County is 79% for DJT according to CNN

Thereā€™s so much noise out there that itā€™s impossible to believe anything until the results come through.

So far Iā€™ve heard Florida is a lock for Clinton, that Florida is leaning to Trump, that the Trump campaign have serious concerns over North Carolina, that the Clinton campaign are worried about North Carolina, that the Democrats are ā€œconfidentā€ about Michigan, that the Democrat turnout is down in Michigan, particularly Detroit, that Ohio is leaning towards Clinton, and that Ohio is a lock for Trump.

That votecaster thing that the above article posted by Joe uses and the basis for several other Prediction articles is seriously flawed. To the point where Iā€™d predict it to be absolutely useless.
Real poles will be coming soon enough.

Whats the best American news station to watch tonight?

My guess is none of them.

On CNN some Latino lady is rambling. She doesnā€™t like Trump.

Go to bed . It really wonā€™t matter one iota of a fuck to you when all is said and done .