US Election result hub 2016

Based on everything I’ve read about the demographics of the Florida vote so far, as well as the figures from Georgia, my feeling is that Clinton will take it.

Trump doing better then expected…silent awkard voters coming out in their droves.

Hard to get unbiased opinion though…early doors.

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CBS say 50-45 the lead for Lady Underhill in Virginia. Robert E Lee will roll over in the grave tonight if that’s actual😡

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All over red rover. Clinton wins handy.

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I think General Lee would have gladly had Trump shot.

Hillz takes Florida… all over but the crying.

That Kay Burley segment was weird, even for her.

4AM, not that it matters. CA, OR, and WA all Democrat. Florida, Ohio and NC are the key states.

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No good news on the magic wall for Trump thus far.

Ohio and North Carolina closing now.

Frank Luntz has already called the election for Clinton and also predicting the Democrats will take the Senate.

I called it 2 minutes ago mate.

looking like a Trump upset in Florida is going to happen

Wouldn’t call that yet.

Later reporting counties will likely be the heavily Democratic ones. It’ll be very close though I think.

BBC projecting that Clinton should have Virginia well in hand - outperforming Obama there.

Broward just came in, Hillary leapfrogs him

They are staunchly democratic. Trump could hoover up Jacksonville and Tallahasse

It’s far too early to call Florida. Will be close, I would give a slight edge to Clinton right now based on counties that have yet to report, but as always depends on turnout in those counties.

And anything around the panhandle.

Clinton now blitzing Trump in Florida. Over 3% up.

According to the magic wall Clinton is outperforming Obama (2012) in Florida.

Hills leads in NC now