US Election result hub 2016

Betting markets still with Clinton for Florida.

Unreal that Florida is up to 93% or something of their 10 million votes counted within a few hours. They’d be two weeks in Kerry counting 20k votes.


On BBC the count is poppies 3; no poppies 3

Still around 800k votes to be counted in Florida.

Lads, if yee wanna piss off to bed, myself and @fitzy will take it from here.

I will be reporting primarily on the betting markets, and highlighting any movement on the exchanges. Fitzy will be live from the capsicum patch with hourly updates through the day.

Get off the screen Rubio you dick

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Wolf blitzter needs someone to come in and kick the living shit out of him


Betting markets have flipped on Florida. Trump now favoured to carry it.

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Hon Trump. Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump!

Florida stuck on 91%. Did the cunts go for a tea break?

Only 16% of Broward County has been counted.

Obama won this by 264k in 2012.

Tim Kaine could lose Virginia for Clinton. Serves her right for picking a total wuss as her running mate.

Those figures are all over the the place.

There aren’t 25 million people in Polk county, for a start.

Silver giving Flordia to Trump at above evens. Still has Clinton at 75% but Republicans to hold the Senate at 69% :sunglasses:

At this stage, Trump’s path is beginning to open up.

Virginia would be a hammer blow to Clinton if she loses it.

Florida finally moves up to 92%. Great stuff.