US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Absolutely, leading from the front and winning. This is why the left are so angry.

One of the reasons why the Obama presidency was such a disaster was because Obama wanted America to “lead from the rear” which meant they were not leading.

The new White House communications director :laughing:

Another day, another lie exposed.

Sessions perjured himself in his confirmation hearing.

Has Trump leaked this to get rid of him?

Why would would Trump want rid of his attorney general?

Because Sessions is recused and can’t sack Mueller, of course.

You could do us all a favour by fucking off this forum for good

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Far better to just read his posts as they are meant to be read, mate.


Are you in favor of censureship?
Should only left wing views be allowed on this hallowed site by our esteemed moderators?
If no to both, stop acting like a Nazi.


the lefty headbangers hate free speech

@Fitzy is a left wing fascist.

Drinking on your own in Australia again ?

@Sidney is afraid that they will take away his dole.

He wouldn’t be able to spend 18 hours a day posting here

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cool m8


Not censorship mate, I’m putting up with your drivel here and haven’t called for you to fuck off. I just hate Spambot and wish he would.

Sidney, that’s really not working, my handwriting’s worse than that.

You win the drivel title hands down mate (except for your excellent horticulture inputs).

Thanks mate, reminds me I have a question to ask you.

These Republicans really can’t take a joke.

Spicer is an anti-free speech snowflake, or as I prefer to call him, a Spiceflake.

How did ickle Jared Kushner get a high security clearance when he lied on the application form? He went to a meeting with a bunch of Russians, based on an email he didn’t read, didn’t know who was at the meeting, didn’t know what it was about and didn’t find very interesting. Incidentally, is he 12?
666 Fifth Avenue may well be the real motivation behind all of this and could well lead to his downfall and hopefully imprisonment.

I have some extra tinfoil, sound like you need some.

Anyone with a brain can see what went on here, the DNC set up Trump’s campaign. The entire Russian story was staged. All the meetings were set up by DNC operatives. It will all come out in time, be patient. The DNC will be exposed as the most corrupt in US history.

So @ProjectX is writing for you now?


Do your research pal and stop reading the shit you are fed. The DNC played the dirty game and lost. They are still losing the same fight unfortunately.

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