US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Saw that yesterday. Very good.

Utterly hilarious how the exact same people who have from the start been trying to make out the Mueller investigation is a witch hunt, and who have been wrong all along, are now hanging on a vague statement from it, which does not dispute the central claim of the story.

It really is any port in a storm now for these weirdos.

Mueller is a stickler for procedure. The Buzzfeed story is too close to the bone for now.

Like at every stage in the last two years, the pro-Trump shill narrative will yet again be proved wrong.

Still defending the pretend journalists at BuzzFeed :joy:

Just admit you are wrong @Sidney, for once, you simpleton.

Em, why do you think Mueller brought Cohen back to plead guilty to lying to Congress, and recommended no further punishment?

Like, duh.

To convict somebody of suborning, another person has to be guilty of lying first.

And you aren’t found guilty based on just your own testimony.

Mueller will have the paper trail.

Trump is fucked.

Republican congressman Steve King has been correctly denounced by Republican leaders in congress for defending the use of the term “white supremacist” in a newspaper interview, and has been stripped of his congressional committee assignments. The calls of “racist” from Democrats have been deafening.

One wonders what their reaction will be to this tweet from newly elected congresswoman Ilhan Omar:

“Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel”.

Invoking the word “hypnotized” which is an historical dog whistle for Jews are the cause of all problems, and invoking Allah no less in the opposition to Israel.

The fucking state of trump. He looks like a mess of a man.

that auld hag pelosi, I’m glad told her fuck and get a commercial airliner to Afghanistan

Can’t say the Trump regime ain’t in touch with the harsh realities of life for ordinary people…

Wilbur Ross, Trump’s millionaire Commerce Secretary, says he doesn’t understand why federal workers are going to food banks during government shutdown

Superb article here from a left wing blogger who is totally opposed to Trump but exposes the utter bullshit of the Russia narrative.

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anybody with a modicum of cop on doesn’t believe the Russia thing. They can’t let their contempt of Trump see logic however.


Good old Willie, giving a helping hand to a gal trying to get her start in politics.
Beware a woman scorned though… I’ll indict your ass if you as much as jaywalk :joy:

I’m sure this story is important.

This is the US politics thread. It’s important as Kamala Harris is now the leading Democrat in the race for 2020, so every aspect of her past will be scrutinized. In this day and age nobody gives a fuck about a 30 year old shagging a married lad in his 60s, but considering the favors he bestowed in her, it’s a story she needs to get out in front of and put to bed.

As the SF Chronicle reported in 2003 “Aside from handing her an expensive BMW, Brown appointed her to two patronage positions that paid over $400K over 5 years” (this would be separate from her job). If she runs on a good, honest government platform, she’ll have to address at some point the question of her benefiting financially and professionally from a personal relationship with a then senior politician.

Yet most people do believe it. Which is remarkable given that it is clear as day the whole narrative was created by James Clapper, who was Director of National Intelligence from 2010-2016. The same Clapper who was responsible for the agency analyzing intelligence imagery before the Iraq war and admitted in his recent book to “finding what wasn’t really there”. He should be rotting in prison along with Rumsfeld, Cheney and Bush. The same Clapper who lied to congress regarding NSA surveillance, had to admit the lie, but was still left in place as DNI for another two years.

But the media and public believe this proven liar who was directly responsible for the Iraq war.


It’s called confirmation bias. They’ll entertain anything in order to reinforce their view of Trump



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Bad news for the resistance, 82% of Independents approved of Trump’s state of the union speech, and 72% overall approval rating. The Democrats better come up with a better slogan than “deplorables” for 2020.

Contrary to expectations from the usual morons, Trump reached out to Democrats and called for unity, giving significantly on the wall issue and conceding that those tasked with border security should determine where a barrier was needed, committing to working on reducing health care and costs of medicine, infrastructure spending, etc. He also gave a lovely tribute to the white clad new members of congress which got them on their feet for the only time.

He had a right bash at socialism at the end of the speech which AOC later characterized on MSNBC as an ad hominem attack. FFS Alexandria, how in the fuck can an attack on an ideology be an ad hominem attack? Get your act together.