US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

The only people who see things in binary are partisans like yourself. I’ve voted for far more Democrats at the local and national level than Republicans, so spare me the patronizing and look inward for a change.

Democrats and Republicans in Washington are equally craven to Wall Street, only an ill informed partisan would claim otherwise. Clearly you have no understanding of the 2008/09 financial crisis and it’s aftermath, and as I haven’t the time to educate you, I’ll let the excellent Matt Taibbi do it on my behalf. Wall Street got everything they wanted from 2008-09.

Again, false equivalence. Only a fool would say the Democratic party has stood up to Wall Street but the Republicans are simply in a different league, and Trump is top of that league.

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The lad with the blue tie is what John Delaney will look like in ten years time


He really is a five year old isn’t he? Steak with fuvking ketchup.

Your fascination with cocks and licking asses is deep-rooted at this stage. A quick search resulted in the following posts, and to be quite frank, you come across as a pretty fucked up deviant:

Could you get a few days off to slip away to Amsterdam and get it out of your system? Please stop tagging me in posts, as I find your language to be very derogatory and offensive.


He’s a yank mate, most of them are the same. Between the crackers with their red sauce and the beaners with their hot sauce, it’s a culinary wasteland. Except for my house.

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Shameful from Trump today . He is just as big a cunt as the rest of them when you look at the bigger picture .

The powers that be want to make sure barrels of oil are still traded in USD.

What’s right doesn’t come into it.

Trump like Obama ultimately has very little say pal.

They arguments here a really trivial in the bigger picture.


It’s all the one at the end of the day.

For someone who’s just posted the above, you appear to have quite the fascination for them yourself, pal.

Trawling through old posts like you did there certainly seems like the action of somebody of such mind.

Even better, given that it was three days since your previous post on the thread, one can assume you’ve been thinking for the last three days about all this gay association stuff.

For a poster who clearly has a rather strange and juvenile preoccupation with trying to label anything he can as “gay”, and goes to extreme lengths* to disassociate himself from anything he thinks could be construed as gay, you sure spend a lot of time thinking about this stuff. One can guess what that implies about you.

Normal people would take being called a “cock” merely as a generalised personal insult. You on the other hand immediately associate it with male genitalia and being a “deviant”. That’s as a clear a self-identification of having serious psychological problems as any I’ve seen on this forum.

You weren’t hanging around outside The George with a big stick of chalk last night by any chance, were you? It would make a lot of sense.

*I hope that phrase wasn’t too gay for you.


And all my Twitter posts
They’ve disgraced me
So here’s my number

On his first trip as president outside the US, Trump doing deals, deals, deals to create jobs, jobs, jobs. GE, Lockheed-Martin and Saudi Aramco sign deals in Riyadh worth an initial $110B and up to $350B over 10 years.

The site socialists will be along shortly to denounce Trump for the unfair practice of creating jobs, putting undue pressure on the downtrodden, who have enough to be worried about already, without having the added burden of having to work.

The world would be far better off if those cunts never had oil in Saudi Arabia.

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Selling arms to the folks that brought down the twin towers,and who bankroll these fuckin whaiabi mosques all over the place,lovely jubbly.thats great dealing.He does great deals he does,the best deals.


Forget the deaths of innocent civilians as a result of the arms - think of the jobs!

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What would Hillary the hawk do differently?

No need to put up any cock pictures/threads for this one.

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On Saudi Arabia? Very little. But then nobody who supported her claimed she would have.

Whereas you guys claimed it was going to be all different with Trump. :smile:

And now his biggest supporter, the “libertarian”, is celebrating selling arms to Saudi Arabia. :smile: