US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Avoid the elephant, say the party of the elephant

McConnell refuses to even acknowledge a simple question never mind answer it

Can’t answer the question then?

Typical of leftist useless nutcases, all shouting but no answers.

Calling everyone (including your own party leader) a racist will surely get Democrats elected in 2020.

You are an utter moron.

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The history of the evolution of the word racism.

  1. Racism is prejudice against people based on their inherited physical features, such as skin color.

  2. Racism is any criticism of ethnicity, even if the ethnicity believes in female mutilation, execution of gays and marrying off girls at 10.

  3. Racism is anyone who disagrees with you.

The racist pretending Trump is not a racist despite there being no disagreement on this among the sanec/non-racist bigot community

It can’t happen here, they said

It most definitely has happened, and the insane bigot @anon7035031 is cheerleader number one

Get your pom poms on, and make sure they’re white, mate

Where did I claim Trump is not a racist?

Trump is most definitely a racist, although less of a racist than English cunts like yourself who applaud the decimation of the population of rural Ireland. Harder to denounce racism when it was right next door to you, isn’t it?


What Trump said on Sunday is no more racist than countless other things he said before you made this post

Yet now, finally, in July 2019, after years and years of constant racism, you finally are forced to relent and admit for the first time that he’s a racist

All along, it was the racism, wasn’t it, the racism you were utterly blind to because you hold the same views

The birtherism you couldn’t call out as racist, the fascist anti-Muslim rhetoric, the unhinged hatred of the “Mexicans as rapists” stereotyping, the anti-Semitic Soros jibes, the portayal of Jews as corrupt and wealthy, the equivocation between actual Nazis and anti-fascist protestors that you cheerled, calling other countries “shitholes”, the utterly wanton cruelty to children and adults at the border, and now telling actual Americans to go back where they came from

You’ve been wrong every step of the way

There is nothing racist about calling for secure borders and apprehending criminals who cross the border. Every country does it. How does Ireland deal with people who enter the country illegally? Canada? Australia?

There is nothing racist about delaying immigration or travel from war torn countries that have thousands of Islamists hell bent on waging jihad, Obama did the same thing.

It is certainly racist to tell people to “go home” because they look different, especially if they are US citizens.

You are incapable of seeing nuance in anything.

Again, you can’'t bring yourself to admit that any of the obviously racist things I listed are racist

You truly have drunk the kool aid

Your language is always very telling

You have no concept of the rotten history of the US and have made no effort to acknowledge it

Hence your constant recitation of right-wing bullshit about the “constitution”, the “founding fathers” and “American exceptionalism”, one of the dumbest phrases known to man

It’s an exclusively white view of history

And your view of racism is coloured by deep hypocrisy - you try to ridicule anybody who calls out actual racism which doesn’t affect you, while entirely unironically believing yourself to be a victim of racism, as shown above through totally deranged rot like this

Now that’s proper Gemtrails stuff

American history is far less rotten than English history, but you can’t admit that as you are an anglophile.

America is the most diverse country on the planet and has led the way on the abolition of slavery, civil rights, anti-discrimination laws, etc. While your English overlords were committing genocide in Ireland, America outlawed slavery. While your English overlords were refusing civil rights to the nationalists community in NI, America was granting civil rights to African Americans. There is a reason why millions a year try and come into the US for opportunities and legal protections it offers.

Come down off your high horse, you and your ancestors have a lot more blood on your hands.

Again, you’re totally ignoring the rotten history of the US, a country founded on slavery, which, never mind coming to terms with, much of the white population actually and actively laments the demise of

Hence the popularity of Trump’s racist rhetoric and policies among white Republicans and the support for confederate symbolism among those same white Republicans, who are no different to Afrikaaner white supremacists or KAT flag flying loyalists up north

A people who despise “uppity” minorities who should “know their place”

Wow, English history is rotten, did you learn that yesterday

You left out the words “what about” there

England is another country which has failed to come to terms with its rotten racist past, hence Brexit, which you supported

It’s so interesting to see your diverging views about the histories of the US and Britain - you really do believe one is excusively good and one is exclusively bad, don’t you - though it’s interesting to note that when it came to a lunatic project that you believed could make England more white - Brexit - you decided to support it due to your kindred spirit with English racists

I again note the racism in your language - denying my nationality is not cool - but Trump just did it so it’s not surprising you’d turn copycat - and given what you said earlier, it’s again very interesting to see you resort to language which you yourself say is racist

My points about you just keep being proven over and over

The worst atrocities by far committed in the Americas were by the forefathers of Hispanics, so AOC has a lot to answer for? That’s how stupid your argument is, the slaughter of millions of native Americans by Hispanics is reason to define all Hispanics as racists.

You do realize that a significant majority of Hispanics in America identify as white, are they guilty of racism as well?

By no means is the US exclusively good, but it has a lot more good than bad compared to most countries, and offers great opportunities to those that want to pursue them. Asian Americans greatly outperform whites (all whites) in terms of income, the average Asian American family earn $78k compared to an average of $55k for whites. Are they guilty of oppressing other races?

Blah blah blah

More white America = uniquely good “American exceptionalism” bullshit

Start reading some history that wasn’t designed to make white Americans feel good about themselves and literally whitewash their rotten past

You truly are a very weak debater. Why do Asian Americans earn significantly more than whites in a country that you claim favors whites? Surely the Asian Americans should be oppressed and not allowed earn more?

Are white Hispanics (and a lot of them do) who vote Republican racists? How about black people who vote Republican?

You truly have a lot of hatred, stop projecting it onto others who don’t share your self loathing or self pity or whatever it is.

I see you still haven’t taken my tip and gone and read some actual history

Come back when you’ve finished posting whitewash

I have read more American history than you will ever read and have traveled widely across North America, Central America and South America. The ugliest racism by far today is towards the indigenous people of central and south America by white Hispanics, followed by the blatant racism towards African Americans by Asian Americans in the US, in particular Chinese.

You should try humility, especially when you are discussing a subject you are clueless about.

Unfortunately it’s very evident that your knowledge of “history” is a highly distorted, whitewashed one in which groups you identify with are always the good guys

The victimhood, delusion and hubris is dripping off that post

It sort of reminds me of the Brexiteers talking about history

There’s none so stupid as an (supposedly) educated fool

The people I identify with and socialize with in the US are mostly Hispanics, both white and mixed race. White northern Europeans like yourself are extremely boring.

You say you the worst racists are white Hispanics, that’s obviously why you identify with them

I forgive them.

Is @Sidney defending paedophiles again?