For someone who’s just posted the above, you appear to have quite the fascination for them yourself, pal.
Trawling through old posts like you did there certainly seems like the action of somebody of such mind.
Even better, given that it was three days since your previous post on the thread, one can assume you’ve been thinking for the last three days about all this gay association stuff.
For a poster who clearly has a rather strange and juvenile preoccupation with trying to label anything he can as “gay”, and goes to extreme lengths* to disassociate himself from anything he thinks could be construed as gay, you sure spend a lot of time thinking about this stuff. One can guess what that implies about you.
Normal people would take being called a “cock” merely as a generalised personal insult. You on the other hand immediately associate it with male genitalia and being a “deviant”. That’s as a clear a self-identification of having serious psychological problems as any I’ve seen on this forum.
You weren’t hanging around outside The George with a big stick of chalk last night by any chance, were you? It would make a lot of sense.
On his first trip as president outside the US, Trump doing deals, deals, deals to create jobs, jobs, jobs. GE, Lockheed-Martin and Saudi Aramco sign deals in Riyadh worth an initial $110B and up to $350B over 10 years.
The site socialists will be along shortly to denounce Trump for the unfair practice of creating jobs, putting undue pressure on the downtrodden, who have enough to be worried about already, without having the added burden of having to work.
Selling arms to the folks that brought down the twin towers,and who bankroll these fuckin whaiabi mosques all over the place,lovely jubbly.thats great dealing.He does great deals he does,the best deals.
Melania refused to wear a cap, a superb demonstration of a strong independent woman (her husband had criticized Michelle Obama for not covering her head).