US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Venezuela. Bernie had very positive things to say about Chavez and the great job he was doing with the Venezuelan economy. Expect lots of ads showing the current state of Venezuela, people eating scraps from trash cans, millions of economic refugees, etc.

Ironically, if there’s one regime in the world that is actually doing a Venezuela, it’s Trump’s.

Essential viewing, the US is truly fucked under the child emperor.

Some of the jokes in this are execrable but as an explainer of Medicare For All it’s pretty good.

American “justice”.

Fuck me but the shit show stakes raised again in the last Democratic debate before Super Tuesday. Bloomberg must have paid a lot of audience, Bernie and Warren getting booed frequently.

Biden laid a fairly heavy blow on Bernie for his prior support of Castro, something that will damage Bernie badly in Florida. Bernie’s excuse for supporting a totalitarian regime was Castro improved literacy rates in Cuba (as long as one read communist propaganda).

A bit like saying the Nazis had the trains running on time. Bernie needs to cop on and admit he was wrong and that all totalitarian regimes are inherently evil, end of.

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So superb healthcare and literacy programmes are “inherently evil” now. And this coming from the guy who says Saudi Arabia is a “benevolent” regime and eulogised Batista.

You could barely make up such stupidity and the utter contempt for the poor could barely be less veiled.

I wonder has he ever bought anything made in China. :laughing:


Did somebody say something about evil regimes?

Trump praises the despot Narendra Modi’s “religious tolerance”. Modi was banned for over a decade from the US and the EU for inciting a murderous anti-Muslim pogrom when he was the governor of Gujarat in 2002. Now he’s inciting pogroms all over India.

Here’s what the head of Genocide Watch has to say about the situation under him:

Dr. Gregory Stanton, founder of Genocide Watch, addressed an audience of Congressional and Government officials at a briefing titled Ground Reports on Kashmir and NRC in Washington D.C on December 12 where he said, “Preparation for a genocide is definitely under way in India.” He said that persecution of Muslims in Assam and Kashmir “is the stage just before genocide,” adding, “The next stage is extermination — that’s what we call a genocide.”

There are two candidates in the 2020 race who openly embrace evil regimes precisely because those regimes are evil. One is Gabbard. The other is Trump.

It’s going to be lovely when Bloomberg crashes and burns.

Liz Warren did a right job on him again last night.

I have to say the reaction of some Democrats to the increasing threat of the Wuhan virus is absolutely disgusting. Instead of focusing on what needs to be done to slow down the spread of the disease, their sole focus is using it as an opportunity to attack Trump.

Sadly the far leftists are now in charge of the party, scum who would prefer to see millions infected and thousands die as long as they can blame it on Trump. What a sad reflection on what used to be a party of principles, now the party of hate. A sad time for America.


Having a scroll through twitter here, apparently coronavirus is Trump’s fault.

They are completely insane, complete denial of reality.

No, mate, the joke is that you’re insane but think you’re not.

It’s truly fascinating to watch.

Looks like a comfortable win for Biden in South Carolina. He’s the only possible challenger to Bernie, but he’ll need others to drop out first, and he needs them out tonight, as far as he’s concerned anyway, which is hardly going to happen with Super Tuesday coming up in just three days’ time.

I see the US has basically surrendered in Afghanistan. A war that cannot be won. Be a triumph for Trump to be the one that finally draws a line under it.
Afghanistan will fall to pieces afterwards and every single billion they’ve spent will be wasted, but they may as well call it now.

Should have left after Al Qaeda’s infrastructure was decimated. The whole concept of nation building in the ME is a delusional pipe dream.

This is a huge win for Biden, expectations were he might win by 10% over Sanders, looks like he will win by 30%. Horrible night for Buttigieg and Warren.

Labane’s predictions for post Super Tuesday…
Bloomberg will not do very well and will drop out and back Biden.
Liz, Pete and Amy gonzo.

Biden v Bernie so?

Trump waited over three years to admit defeat in Afghanistan? What was the point of that? Obama campaigned on pulling out of Iraq and did it quicksmart once in office.

What’s that now? Nearly 20 years of pointless war there and the US loses at the end of it? What a country.

One common theme in pretty much all these shitshows is the Republicans.

Watergate - Republicans.
Iran-Contra - Republicans.
9-11 - Republicans.
Afghanistan - Republicans.
Iraq - Republicans.
The financial crash - Republicans.
Trump - Republicans.

If there was any justice or cop on in America, they would rout these scumbags once and for all and elect hundreds of AOCs.

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