US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

She’s a right cunt that one,cruz and one of huckabees lads nearly came to blows the day she was released,cruz was doing an SLR trying to get into the photo with her on stage.Real Time with Bill Maher on friday nights is a must see for anyone interested in American politics

I see Bernie tried to explain democratic socialism at a rally in Georgetown University.
Has Fox exploded yet?

The next POTUS

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Classy ad. I remember @junhialio worked on something similar for the rainbow coalition in his day. I think he also had a pronscious de Rossa bumper sticker.

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Will Smith to run for president

Interesting reading. It’s long though.

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The US is to end its insane experiment with private prisons

The GEO Group is in freefall. You can watch it live here :smile:

Very good article. An aspect of the Obama presidency that’s seldom examined.

That’s a very good article,

How could they have stopped him just issuing the executive orders etc? Certainly has set a dangerous precedent.


The Republicans and big business are seething.

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Great news. Spoofers like labane will be seething. His beloved Trump will be tweeting at 3am.

How’s KC labane?

[quote=“maroonandpink, post:72, topic:10941, full:true”]
Great news. Spoofers like labane will be seething. His beloved Trump will be tweeting at 3am.[/quote]

I would say, like your fellow idiot @Sidney, you know as much about the DALP issue as my dog.

I stand with the proud Sioux Nation pal, in opposing this encroachment onto their property. If sid or yourself knew anything about the history involved, you would know it was the Pick-Sloan Act of FDR’s New Deal which granted the US government power over the Missouri river basin, breaking the treaties in place with the Sioux Nation. The land involved legally belongs to the Sioux Nation and was illegally seized by Democrats.

The entire DALP project has occurred during Obama’s two terms in office, and has been supported by Republican and Democratic politicians at the federal and state level. There was plenty of time for Obama to side with the Sioux, instead of (like the useless coward he is) waiting until he was a lame duck.

[quote=“maroonandpink, post:72, topic:10941, full:true”]
How’s KC labane? [/quote]

Look in the mirror and ask him pal.


14 posts were split to a new topic: An extraordinarily boring discussion about where cars are made

10,800 Dax :tada: :boom:

The world stock market loves President Trump :+1:

Chapo Guzman extradited to the US.

You have to hand it to President Obama - still getting things done even on his last day.

Golden Shower Boy will probably send him back.

Our armchair pro on all things us politics, bless d’aul internet.

Paul Ryan doesn’t seem to know how insurance works


I always thought he was a reasonably intelligent chap, if a bit lacking in the human decency department, but he’s making some cunt of himself thanks to Trump.

Devin Nunes, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, confirms that he has seen intelligence reports that indicate Trump and his transition team were targeted for surveillance after the November election. Has just visited the White House to inform the president, and categorized the intelligence reports as disturbing. Also stated that the intelligence agencies were asked to provide all relevant reports to Congress but have yet to do so.

The Deep State is being unmasked, scenes.